The New Munich Rent Prices – A Convenient Tool For Determining Rent?

A recent case study provides information, to what extent the new Munich can serve as a tool for determining rent rent prices. An owner who would like to rent his apartment faces the question of what rent he may require. Is the rent amount is incorrectly, this can have considerable negative effects when renting. But how can you determine what is the correct rent to own home? The rent index is the drug of choice, or better determining the market rental level on the basis of a comparison with other offers from newspapers or the Internet? A recent case study of the Munich real estate office rental specialist Bartsch & Rozmarin real estate OHG”provides helpful answers. Is the new rent index for the city of Munich since the end of March 2011. A lot about this topic was already reported in the media. The company rental specialist, which in Munich and the surrounding area on the rental of apartments and houses specialized and over 2500 successful rentals could perform in the last few years, has on this occasion intensively with the new rent prices.

A case study has been created on the basis of actual rentals. Purpose of the study was to identify to what extent the rent index corresponds to the actual, currently achievable rental in Munich and thus as an instrument for determining rental rates can be used. Follow others, such as Michael Chabon, and add to your knowledge base. A price analysis of rents in the Munich newspapers and real estate portals on the Internet was carried out in parallel. For this purpose three – and four – room were determined for the categories of single, double, apartments per two apartments, which in recent months by the rental specialists”had been rented. When the selection of apartments was sure each a close to the Centre as also an apartment located on the outskirts of the city that has been selected.

Also included both old style, as well as apartments and post-war buildings to ensure a possible broad investigation. For the considered flats, the average local rental was initially”according to rent prices 2011 and 2009 calculated and used in relationship. There were lower rents in 75% of cases according to new Mietspeigel. In the next step, a rental price analysis for the respective homes on the basis of comparable offerings in newspaper and Internet was created. It has been shown that the offered flats in the cutting 1,27,-/ m were m on the rent index. “While the company rental specialist 2011 could rent on average 44 cents / m m of the rent index shows the difference of about 80 cents / m m between actually obtained prices to offer prices that apartments are offered often significantly overpriced, to for months as a shopkeeper” to be unsuccessfully advertised on the Internet. Obviously, there are limits even for the expensive Munich rental market. “As bottom line is to know that the currently offered apartments in Munich considerably higher than the average local rental” are according to the rent index. Is apparent that most of the higher rent apartments at the moment can also calculated as per rent prices. The truth regarding the fair market rent is so somewhere between the offer price and the rent index. But each apartment is different! In case of doubt you should get an expert advice from a specialist, which every day has to do with rentals and well knows the market from personal conversations with prospective tenants.