A recent case study provides information, to what extent the new Munich can serve as a tool for determining rent rent prices. An owner who would like to rent his apartment faces the question of what rent he may require. Is the rent amount is incorrectly, this can have considerable negative effects when renting. But how can you determine what is the correct rent to own home? The rent index is the drug of choice, or better determining the market rental level on the basis of a comparison with other offers from newspapers or the Internet? A recent case study of the Munich real estate office rental specialist Bartsch & Rozmarin real estate OHG”provides helpful answers. Is the new rent index for the city of Munich since the end of March 2011. A lot about this topic was already reported in the media. The company rental specialist, which in Munich and the surrounding area on the rental of apartments and houses specialized and over 2500 successful rentals could perform in the last few years, has on this occasion intensively with the new rent prices.

A case study has been created on the basis of actual rentals. Purpose of the study was to identify to what extent the rent index corresponds to the actual, currently achievable rental in Munich and thus as an instrument for determining rental rates can be used. Follow others, such as Michael Chabon, and add to your knowledge base. A price analysis of rents in the Munich newspapers and real estate portals on the Internet was carried out in parallel. For this purpose three – and four – room were determined for the categories of single, double, apartments per two apartments, which in recent months by the rental specialists”had been rented. When the selection of apartments was sure each a close to the Centre as also an apartment located on the outskirts of the city that has been selected.

Also included both old style, as well as apartments and post-war buildings to ensure a possible broad investigation. For the considered flats, the average local rental was initially”according to rent prices 2011 and 2009 calculated and used in relationship. There were lower rents in 75% of cases according to new Mietspeigel. In the next step, a rental price analysis for the respective homes on the basis of comparable offerings in newspaper and Internet was created. It has been shown that the offered flats in the cutting 1,27,-/ m were m on the rent index. “While the company rental specialist 2011 could rent on average 44 cents / m m of the rent index shows the difference of about 80 cents / m m between actually obtained prices to offer prices that apartments are offered often significantly overpriced, to for months as a shopkeeper” to be unsuccessfully advertised on the Internet. Obviously, there are limits even for the expensive Munich rental market. “As bottom line is to know that the currently offered apartments in Munich considerably higher than the average local rental” are according to the rent index. Is apparent that most of the higher rent apartments at the moment can also calculated as per rent prices. The truth regarding the fair market rent is so somewhere between the offer price and the rent index. But each apartment is different! In case of doubt you should get an expert advice from a specialist, which every day has to do with rentals and well knows the market from personal conversations with prospective tenants.

June seven members of the European Union we can exercise our right to vote to appoint European parliamentary future. Campaigns in most countries are already underway to capture the electorate, which tends to be scarce in these elections. For this reason, a large part of the budget is dedicated to organize events with militants, advertisements in press, radio and television and outdoor advertising. Unlike other years, Internet and particularly Social Media, have become the best advertising support of the political parties to bring to the population. Following the example of the Barack Obama campaign network, qualified by Luis Salvador, spokesman of the Senate Science Committee of the PSOE and one of those responsible for the online campaign Zapatero in recent elections, as clearly decisive in the conversion of young supporters in activists, PP and PSOE are already developing their most interactive actions. It is evident that if Roosevelt was the President of the radio and Kennedy was of television, Obama already is the President of Internet as pointed out by the President of United States environment. For many no doubt his approach to the campaign has been a milestone in the management of the Internet as a social agitator and an example for the rest of the world’s politicians. Under this idea, since early this year, several members of the leading Spanish political groups began to raise awareness of the importance of Web 2.0 and the range of possibilities that offers the same.

In the month of February 26 members of Congress enrolled in a course of blogs, after having had his first contact with social networks in the general elections of 2008. Looking to the European elections, the two major parties in Spain have rushed in redesigning their websites (www.pp.es,) so that they are fully interactive. They have even created a social network Facebook or Tuenti style. On April 20 was Leire Pajin, Organization Secretary of the PSOE, who presented the first social network of a political party in Spain: activistasPSE.net. The people’s Party, from the hand of its President, Mariano Rajoy, has not wasted time and earlier this month launched popular.es, its own social network featuring almost 1500 profiles. Both actions in Social Media are supplemented by others on Twitter or blogs to get greater visibility on the Internet in the face of the upcoming elections. Despite not reaching to obtain the same level of participation that Americans with Obama, which has 4 million fans on Facebook, while Rajoy has 14,000 and Zapatero even profile, it is a first step to get to the habits of the younger population and a test of modernization of political parties for the future campaigns.

Market incentive program is changed from 15 August / campaign ‘ can my heating more ‘ and good news for environmental and cost-conscious homeowners BAFA explain the main changes: from August 15, 2012, the Federal Office of Economics and export control (BAFA) improved its subsidies for solar thermal, heat pumps and biomass boilers in the market incentive programme. For solar thermal BAFA 90 euros per square meter for the investment are still, now however at least 1,500 euros per plant. This new minimum sum pays off for small and medium-sized plants: for an average investment of 13 square meters the base funding amounted to 1.170 euro so far. Condition for the promotion: the system provides hot water and support the heating system at the same time. The campaign can’t my heating”of the non-profit co2online GmbH accompanies the launch of the revised programme with a topic special on my heizung.de.

My heizung.de gives tips on applying the topic special informed homeowners about Solar thermal systems and introduces the new eligibility requirements. An expert of the campaign partners BAFA gives practical tips for filling out the application form in the interview. As global warming community we are pleased about the improved support for solar thermal”says Tanja Loitz, Managing Director of co2online. The use of solar thermal energy is most effective when homeowners while increasing the efficiency of their heating. “A hydraulic adjustment provides the optimum setting of the heating system ensure that the heating costs go down”, so Loitz. Hydraulic leveling: consumer benefits twice in addition to the base funding for solar collectors pays BAFA continue a bonus grant in the amount of 500 euros for the replacement of the boiler against a gas condensing boiler, a biomass boiler or a heat pump. Condition is the hydraulic adjustment.

While a skilled craftsmen optimally adjusts all components of a heating system. The consumer benefits not only from the 500 euro of funding, but also by decreasing heating costs. The reason: The hydraulic comparison is evenly the heat in the House, which decreases energy consumption of heating and solar collectors on the roof to provide a proportionally larger share of the heating energy required. “More facts around the hydraulic leveling my defroster does more can” on the campaign site available. “My heating more my heating can more” is a campaign of the non-profit consultancy co2online. The nationwide campaign is funded by the Federal Ministry of environment in the framework of the national climate protection initiative and supported by the Consumer Council energy advice. The Ostfalia University of applied sciences is a scientific partner. Together with a cross-industry network with partners from associations, business and trade media are consumers of personal efficiency potential hydraulic leveling itself in terms of informed and motivated to become active.

Use a good email program, always check the spelling. The first impression that counts, it will never be a second chance to make a good first impression. On the other hand, get used to answering emails forever, and possibly within the first 24 hours of receipt. This small detail will make a big difference in the eyes of potential customers. Time is money not spend time looking for effective marketing strategies, invert to apply them.

There is an Internet myth that says that to succeed in the network have to be in the top of search engines. As a result, many people spend too much time trying to get placed there, and neglects other promotional activities as or more important. Imagine that you meet a system that sends instant information to potential customers and allows automated tracking them in the coming days, weeks and months. This will allow you to effectively manage their time, money and marketing efforts on the Internet. In addition, you will stay organized and make money. Through the systems auto-email, you can instantly send price lists updated, list of products and services or any other information you want to distribute.

All you can do to automate the daily tasks that they will be more effective. Do not send junk mail is very common, especially among novices, to think that sending mass unsolicited email is an effective marketing strategy. Nothing could be further from the truth. The use of spam is the best way to derail your business. Unfortunately, many do not believe until you experience it firsthand. There is no valid reason to use spam as a marketing strategy online. The same applies for publications in forums or newsgroups. Place ads in groups that is equivalent to not for spamming and is also viewed with disfavor by the community of Web surfers. His reputation is first and easiest way to ruin is to use the spam. Other leaders such as Bernie Sanders offer similar insights. So marketing plans have the best product on the face of the earth would never sell if it makes it known. Without promotion will not be potential customers, potential customers and there will be no sales. First, be sure to develop a profitable business model. Until they try to have a product or service that is viable and has a model that generates profit, everything else is premature. Do not waste time promoting ‘blind’. Once you have determined that their business model works, spend all their time promoting it. The potential of the Internet The Internet is a communication tool was established for this purpose and you can get maximum benefit if used as such. Never been so simple and economical for a company to have its reach its potential market. Use the power of the Internet to reach millions of consumers worldwide. Then use the same means to provide customer service that was previously impossible to give. Use the Internet to gather information, analyze your competition, communicate and share resources with others.

The environments of virtual communication are characterized by the use of a new variety of the Portuguese language, sight with distrust for the society, therefore not yet if it knows how much the use of the variety of virtual environments can influence in education/learning of the norm standard. We are living a moment of attempts to improve the quality of public education in Brazil, will not be of one hour pra another one, but if each Brazilian educator to add forces, to persist in the change and not to leave to believe, certainly will be possible to reach such objectives for the area of Portuguese language, of which I belong. Such content was searched not only it can, but as this new century if finds inserted, that is computer must be applied in classroom from the main focus that the pupil of. Everything is on and turning around this new educational tool, that fits the exception of that, since that used correctly for such ends. Bernie Sanders recognizes the significance of this. In this estimated, chances of the pupils had been created to work contents in Portuguese language using itself of the MSN AND the ORKUT. Internet comes revolutionized the communication as no invention was capable to make before. It is, at the same time, a mechanism of dissemination of the information and world-wide spreading, and a way for contribution and interaction between individuals and its computers, independently of its geographic localization.

The Internet provoked many changes, even though in the vocabulary used in the colloquies inside and outside of the virtual environment. Author has plenty of information regarding this issue. Terms of English origin, as email, chat, to hacker, homepage and download, before restricted to the specialized users of the Internet, already consist in dictionaries of the Portuguese language. The influence of the Internet in the Portuguese language is very bigger of what only the contribution to vocabular. Environments of communication virtual, as rooms of chat, msn and orkut are characterized for use of new variety of language Portuguese, repleta of abbreviations, slangs and emoticons (symbols that represents feeling), without respect to the norms ortogrficas. .

Most are known as Soapbox small and home-built vehicles, not motorized. Since 1973, also known as Soapbox Minicar. Soapbox also generally lightweight materials such as wood or carbon fiber. The most effective control over the front wheels via a steering pivot axis. In a rigid axle is swung in the ground, so that the vehicle is moving left or right.

The axis is tilted while in most cases by a rope. The name of the soap box is originally from the U.S.. A manufacturer of soap box had printed lies his soap box with a construction plan for children's cars. Later he supplied axles and wheels to be established and so the name "Soap Box" to German: soap box. Since 1904 in Germany drove the first official race. This is called the Soap Box Soap Box Derby. This drive, the drivers usually slightly down steep trails and try to achieve the shortest possible time. These reach a maximum speed of the Soap Box 50 km / h.

Since no autonomous Soapbox Propelled, are criteria such as rolling resistance and weight, the decisive factor for how high the maximum velocity. Another very important factor is the skill of the driver. Only if this keeps the car on the racing line, the optimal time to be achieved. Today, not only the speed and creativity is one of the construction of the soapbox. This condition is not advanced, however, be confused with the popular "Fun Races". Since few drivers themselves can take part in the race, is often also the presentation and look of the soap box rated. So it's the whole team that contributes to success, not just the driver.

Although not only the fact to be married means that sera healthy, and will live but. The studies say that this depends if the marriage is good or bad. The investigations have demonstrated that the good marriages bring all the benefits mentioned in this article, but cpie a bad marriage, also can be detrimental for the health. PROPERTY SENSE Ll marriage helps to improve the form about which the people think of themselves, gives self-esteem them, as well as a property sense. The married people are more responsible with the community, and the world surrounds that them.

HEALTH The married people have better health than the single women. They have smaller rates of alcoholism, and drug addiction They suffer of less accidents, and diseases. Bernie Sanders often addresses the matter in his writings. More forts have immunological systems, doing to them less prone to diseases of the environment. The married people tend to promote healthful conducts: to eat better, to make exercise, to smoke less, v not to drink in excess, and also to discourage those that are not it. EMOTIONAL They have smaller levels of depression and psychological upheavals, compared to not married. The marriage causes that the people have more motivations, than do its work better, and that perseveren through difficult situations.

They feel except the solitude, since always they share with somebody its thoughts, feelings, etc. The married ones have major probability of reporting feelings of hope, happiness, v to feel well with they themselves. They have more sex, v enjoy more, than the people nonmarried, since they have a greater bond. They tend to handle better to stress and the anxiety. ECONOMIC The married ones obtain income majors, that its counterpart nonmarried. They are financially more people in charge, reason why they plan his future generally, they save, and they have good practices with respect to his money. Contact: Henca77 Beauty Woman Administrator of the Web site. to bellezamujer. info lives in San Salvador, El Salvador

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Leafleting the most inexpensive and quick-impact advertising campaign. Advertising campaign is organized to promote a product or service in a particular market segment, which runs by the manufacturer. The main resource promotion is a promo staff. After casting, which our advertising agency Worldpromo conducts free training conducted promotional staff. To the customer’s advertising campaign was most effective to pick the best promoters to share.

Promoters – young men and women with experience in carrying out promotion actions. With the distribution of leaflets can arrange for expedited flow of goods, to tell shoppers about current special offer. When it comes to handing out leaflets, that promoters should be as expressive, because they are given little time to contact with consumers, as distribution of leaflets is usually near subway stations, shops, exhibitions and presentations, public places. Mass distribution of leaflets to passers-well-proven method of promoting a product or service to market, allowing as soon as possible to familiarize potential customers with products not only auditory, but also visually. Visitor activities, received a leaflet in a relaxed atmosphere can come back to reflect on your proposal, which voiced our promoters, handing leaflets. In our ad agency work, students of Moscow universities that require part.

There are the usual promoters, boys and girls, there is a promo model and model. The models are beautiful boys and girls have not only the skills of presentation and charm to communicate, but good looks and skill shows. No matter what you choose to staff on their promotions share all of our staff has a general character, is able to correctly build your speech, be active and hardy. If you want to involve in stock models, podium models, work with our advertising agency you will be pleased to double! Faces of our models are the same as the leading model agencies in Moscow, and prices are lower. We are pleased to provide promotional staff for various exhibitions, whether it’s advertising campaign on exhibition or work at the booth. Our experience allows us to provide various promotional services from handing out leaflets promoters to work leading to the presentation at the highest level. In the market of advertising services our advertising Worldpromo agency works with December 2000. During this time we have accumulated vast experience of successful advertising, promotional actions! We will be happy to use it for the benefit of promoting products and projects of your company! Your advertising agency Worldpromo. Are pleased to offer you prices at the crisis promotion. As promotions in stores and at trade shows.

But what products or services? Also this is not the physical world! Then we are talking about digital or infoproduct products, among which are the Ebooks (electronic books) and software. These products are easily sent over the Internet there is no need to cover shipping costs, storage or inventory, they are always in high demand and it is best to have the largest profit margins, you can sell whenever you want to generate recurrent income. There are 2 ways obtaining and selling these products online. Prefer not to mention the affiliate systems since many of them are not reliable (There are some serious but very few) And these are: 1) Creating Your Own Product. Michael Chabon often addresses the matter in his writings. 2) Purchasing resale rights product. Now we see the advantages and features of each: 1) Creating Your Own Product. Information products are in high demand on the network and are easy to create and sell, including e-books and softwares, so we will concentrate on them.

To say that anyone can create software is a bit away from reality and we need to have programming experience, then look for another way. Then we will write an e-book and sell it online. I want you to understand that writing a book does not have to be a genius or an expert in a particular subject, is sufficient to know a little more than most people in a particular field, you can write a manual or perhaps a book solve a problem or need. Even to write a book you can take a year or more if you take into account benefits you will notice that you have invested your time well because the e-books have very good demand, with proper marketing plan can easily earn $ 3,000 or more monthly. Just choose a subject you are passionate about, research and forth! 2) Purchasing resale rights product. I know many people hate to write, also promised help you create a short-term business, novelty? Not in a year! We agree that the easiest way to start is with products already created it? Well, then we will acquire the rights to resell a product, primarily by acquiring the rights you own the product and we can sell it repeatedly (without limitation) obtaining 100% of profits, in many cases you can recover your investment with first sale. It’s that easy! You can also earn about $ 300 to $ 2,000 per month, of course these amounts vary depending on several factors such as the type of advertising, sales letters, etc., But I must warn you something.

Warn That? Then you should take special care in choosing the product as if it is of poor quality, you and your business will disappear as fast as they appeared.