These substances should be ingested with food herbs and other natural products, but they are often in the diet of a catastrophic lacking, partly because in the very green products of these substances is reduced by reason of their use in cultivation of agricultural chemicals and fertilizers. The capsules contain a full Vitaprinola Natural concentrate of phytosterols, and are able to eliminate the dramatic consequences of defective diets. This is especially important in the treatment of tuberculosis and other diseases What is it – phytosterol? Phytosterols – a vast group of chemicals commonly found in nature. They contain many plants but are particularly rich in them the roots of nettles and green conifers. The group includes the phytosterols sitosterol, known for its high biological activity, especially b-sitosterol. Phytosterols have a chemical structure similar to cholesterol, steroid hormones and vitamin D. This explains their high biological activity.

It is established that fitosterony have the following useful properties: progormonalnym (provides antidepressant, adaptogenic, antishock action) anti immunokorrektiruyuschim regulating calcium metabolism (Contribute to the regeneration of bone tissue) hypolipidemic (reduced absorption of cholesterol and lipids by competing for bile acids in the transport of lipids from the intestine into the liver) is very important that phytosterols exhibit biological activity in small doses. For example, b-sitosterol – the most studied and effective of phytosterols – can eliminate the symptoms of BPH while taking it in doses of 50 mg per day. In this case it is absolutely not toxic. Feature of phytosterols – the direction and specificity of the individual tissues, organs and body functions.

It is known that alcohol can cause poison structural changes in the body. With prolonged use of alcohol (alcoholism) regenerate tissues and are observed to atrophy, most notably manifested in the brain. The brain is much more affected by the action of alcohol than other organs. This is explained by several factors. First, the blood supply to the brain about 16 times higher blood supply to the limbs, hence alcohol poisoning of the brain tissue is faster and stronger. Second, in the human brain alcohol is oxidized in 4000 (!) Times slower than in the liver. Read additional details here: Ultra Wellness Center. As a result, alcohol is concentrated in brain cells to one months.

Thus, using alcohol, a man every time incapacitate thousands of active brain cells. Even the drinkers in the 'moderate' doses at autopsy revealed the whole graveyard of dead cells – 'Wrinkled brain phenomenon'. Found that even a mug of beer causes structural changes in the body. How does the death of brain cells? First is atrophy of the cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum, tension and desolation of their cortex in connection with the death of cortical neurons. In 85% of 'moderate drinking' and 95% of alcoholics marked decrease in the cerebral cortex. In parallel, a decline of mental abilities. .

But changing the structure of the brain, deterioration of mental activity occurs already at 'moderate' alcohol consumption. According to American scientists, the use of alcohol at a dose of 200.0, the 'dry' wine drinker suppress intelligence by 18 – 20 days. Thus, if people drink twice a month, then it means that his intellect is always reduced, which is especially dangerous for persons of intellectual labor (researchers, managers, etc.). Receive 40 grams of alcohol increases the number of errors in 6 times account deteriorated by almost 10%, estimated duration of time intervals for more than 50%. Particularly severely affected by exposure to alcohol female brain: German scientists have proved that all things being equal in age, complexion, the number of drunk female brain is affected in alcohol for more than two times faster than the male. Even more serious is the effect of alcohol on the brain of children and adolescents. Characteristic of adolescence is that the young brain at the age of 20 is different from the adult brain in response to information received. The young brain is designed to learn. He is in the process of establishing these links between nerve cells. Alcohol disrupts this function. The effect of alcohol on adolescent stronger than an adult and have an impact on the brain in the future.

“Position with exclusive information and surveys as score PR tool periods still aloof existence”, regrets Collin Scholz, Member of the Executive Board of the pilot: project GmbH. it can find out with this versatile tool not only valuable information, but also make the topics and create moods. ” Wisely used within strategic media relations, survey results can also increase awareness and the image of an organization and help to establish its representatives as a competent opinion leaders. The Hanover-based pilot uses this wealth of facets: Projekt GmbH for many years and has developed a broad range of instruments at this time. The Agency for Pirelli Germany and the logistics service provider CI Group conducted the recent polls. I work in the run-up to goal definition starting point of each poll is a precise definition of the objectives to be achieved by this measure. The following examples give you an idea of the numerous applications: Image analysis: how will the principal members target groups questioned the perceived, what qualities they associate with him? Analysis of strengths and weaknesses: What do see as respondents the strengths or characteristics of the client, see areas in which weaknesses or competitors an advantage? Benchmarking: How is the customer as compared to its competitors judged? Customer satisfaction: How satisfied are the customers of the client with the services and products? What consequence for the loyalty of current customers can derive from? Market potential and demand analysis: Is there additional services or products that complement the portfolio of the client? Product development: How could products and services of the client are optimized for this (still) better meet the needs of the target groups? Advertising tests: How communication actions of the customer should be designed so when potential customers on find positive resonance? Change management: the principal in the recent past should have carried out processes of change: how perceive these changes the target groups? Set of the questionnaire developed the objectives defined according to pilot: project in close cooperation with the client a content and methodologically sound survey concept, as well as a questionnaire that is individually tailored to the information needs of the client.

Employees are using their skills a more expensive production factor, to be ultimately the productivity of other factors can be the human resources are a factor of production, which can grow itself out of himself: all others are subject to a permanent, to be consumption. Therefore, the company has advantages, whose Mitarbeiter are qualified, creative, motivated, flexible, goal-oriented, proactive and willing to change than the competition. A good working environment is for employees and for the specialists and managers alike by importance and a the important decision criteria, go to a company or to stay there. Any decision can be but always only as good as the timeliness and quality of the underlying information. The investment in an employee survey must be therefore just as strategic as planned in the area of investment and assessment of assets and prepared.

See in addition including also Becker, Jorg: person accounts with intellectual capital, ISBN 9783837070019. requires internal transparency: corporate objectives and figures, but also processes and rules of cooperation. For executives, the obtaining of appropriate control information in the truest sense of the word is crucial: because to support their decisions there is hardly an instrument for this purpose better than a comprehensive employee survey would be suitable. The survey of the employees is to create comprehensive, questions must be asked to many core areas, i.e. to: companies, work and professional requirements, salary and fringe benefits, performance appraisal and professional advancement, management and executives, efficiency, information and communication, environment, quality of work, weighting of objectives, powers and responsibility for activities and decisions, as well as general information. CF.

Becker, Jorg: Potentialorientierte employee conversations, ISBN 9783837051803. In the wake of comprehensive surveys are often in practice Special surveys carried out by dealing only with a special theme and addressed only to a specific group of employees. Written, conducted anonymous interviews with closed and open questions are most frequently encountered in practice. Objectives of the survey include: analysis of strengths and weaknesses from a perspective of surveyed employees, assessment of personal situations of employees, improve communication, reducing communication deficits /-barriers, creating a basis for necessary actions and measures (improved acceptance), as well as improvement of leadership and job satisfaction /-motivation. CF. Jorg Becker: employee survey as intellectual seismograph; ISBN 978 3 8370 5085 1 Jorg Becker

The reason of the by that so many people have a weakness for sugar is because sugar is a carbohydrate. Carbohydrates stimulate the brain to release the chemical serotonin, substance so there was born the term high sugar. Whenever Ultra Wellness Center listens, a sympathetic response will follow. These endorphins soothe us and relax. Not necessarily eating sweets is bad, but when you start to eat sweets without moderation, you’ll probably eat excess sugar in a day. This article is going to proporcior several mental exercises that you can use to stop sugar cravings. Exercise # 1: Examine your feelings our brains are programmed to want sugars after a hard day of work.

You feel slow, your energy levels are low and your state of mind is located across the floor. Your body knows that sugar could be a way to quickly and easily achieve improve mood by serotonin. So you are done with this habit, he began to work on your feelings. Thing is, it was a day hard, but why? If not examine your feelings and you simply choose the convenience by sugar to mask your problems, you are leaving these sweets that they provide only a short-term relief. On the other hand, think of your day. Think about the challenges and problems that you face in life. Discusses why you’re angry or that you are stressing and creates a few steps to follow, no matter how large or small is, can help deal with these overwhelming feelings.

In a short time, you will feel as if you will free up a bit of weight from your shoulders and you will feel proud to be sufficiently strong to prevent the bag of chocolates you had in front. Exercise # 2: Be aware of what your family does the family problems can be difficult to handle, even in the best of cases. In addition, many social gatherings include large quantities of sweet foods with lots of sugar. When you’re stressed out about your family, no matter what the reason, if it is because of your weight, your work, your marriage or simple family history, of course, you will have that cover these feelings with the first biscuit you find. Instead of eating for psychological reasons, he devises a plan to combat this. You know the situation of instability that you will face, so come prepared. Exercise # 3: Mind over matter for 3 to 5 days, decides that you do not cederas in your sugar cravings. Break the cycle of sugar cravings can be as simple as cutting the simple sugars from your diet. But be prepared for a deficit of 48 to 72 hours. You will have to train your brain to stay away from sugar. Some people discovered that this helps reduce sugar cravings after a few days. Even if you’re not layers of break the cycle, your taste buds can learn to be satisfied with a much smaller portion of sugar. Seriously want to lose weight but nothing seems to work for you? Visit now: how to allow upload of weight.

Communication with debtors is more important than ever while not a legal relationship as E.g. a contract normally to letters of formal notice, because both parties comply with their contractual obligations. A party does not meet the contractual obligations, by she didn’t pay such as the Bill, is a contract problem. A reminder takes over the task to inform debtors on their payment obligation. This is done in practice usually as a first step by means of a so-called payment reminder. A reminder is a unilateral request of the creditor, which will be sent to debtors, warning recipients. A reminder obtained after the due date of an invoice, that debtor appears legally in default if the reminder is not expendable.

To reduce the number of letters of formal notice, companies in cooperation with collection agency took pro-active steps such as for example the use of debit or a previous credit check often. Companies send itself often only one or two letters of formal notice and then type the Editing a debt collection company as the General accounts receivable and collection GmbH (ADU collection), that further professional care in the recovery of the debts in the pre-trial and in the debt collection proceedings. 286 paragraph 2 four cases are defined in no. 1 to 4 German civil code (BGB), where a warning is unnecessary and the debtor without they fall into arrears. 1 reminders are expendable for the creditors, if a specific calendar date for the payment is stated in the invoice. It is contractually fixed and up to this date, debtors have provide their service. Purchase contracts defines the due date, for example with the following sentence: the purchase price is payable up to May 31, 2010. 2. the Expendability of the reminder occurs when a payment deadline is agreed in the Bill whereby the payment date on the basis of the calendar can be calculated.