Their expensive wedding gifts and our with the birthdays of children and cases of interest, with the grandchildren’s marriages blessed by Pope Castro I. Mental and fawning eunuchs as Martinez Paez, Alfredo Guevara, Chomi Barruecos, former Commander Lemus, Kouri and others more, without courage to come out of the closet; Jesters as Papito Serguera and one bands of clowns guatacones accompanying it their delusions of sportsman and millionaire canero, which allowed him to even crude cheating to win game quimbumbia or pin pon. This debauch Fidel handles them with ease, using the system of carrot and stick. John Mclaughlin: the source for more info. I nursing them and I am at your whim, more difficult, was with some other moral stature or personal courage. When he could, he shook those who They bothered. Removed them from the top of one form or another. Click John Mclaughlin to learn more.

With young people of Santiago de Cuba, is counted: Fidel Castro never wanted to be Frank Pais who opened the second front guerrilla in the Sierra Cristal in 1957, but it always objected vehemently to join the guerrillas, while the Headquarters from Santiago de Cuba express Fidel more than ample reasons to protect the young Santiago. Frank was upset with Fidel because when Frank sent him one of his paintings of confidence to support the development of the guerrillas in the Sierra Maestra and prepare the conditions to create the second front, in less than sixty days, Fidel get rid of Jorge Sotus, sending it with obvious unnecessary mission to the alien, who deeply disliked Frank Pais. So did with Camilo to tickle his ego with the second edition of the invasion to the West as did Maceo and Maximino Gomez, 60 years earlier, so tipifico, as parallel lives the two personalities in speeches as I draw and I tied, catalog these two heroes of the independence of Cuba, with the heroes of the moment, it independia it short, Camilo with Maceo and Che, foreigner as Maximo Gomez.

Of century XV to the XVI it takes place in Flanders a cultural Renaissance and artistic admirable, produced by the development of the commerce and the consequent formation of a well-off bourgeoisie, that buys and exports art works, it makes important donations religious, constructs palaces, buildings public, etc. The architecture, at first influenced directly by the gothic French (cathedrals of Tournai, Santa Gdula, of Brussels; the churches of San Bavn, of Ghent, and San Pedro, of Ypres), acquires as of century XV own characteristics, mainly in the land of the civil constructions (markets of Brujas and Ypres, city council of Brussels, Louvain and Brujas, urban helmet of Sorceresses, etc.). The Renaissance forms are introduced delayed by French architects, like Guyot de Beauregard, author of the Daisy palace of Austria, in Malinas (1517). The urban architecture continues conserving characteristic gothic (houses of Ghent and Malinas), with the exception of the great buildings, like the city councils of Antwerp (1561-65), and Leyden, where the flamenco Renaissance reaches its greater purity. The sculpture has its proincipales centers in Dijon and Tournai, excelling in the stature of ashlar masonries of choir and altarpieces, that are exported to everybody. In the Renaissance period they emphasized sculptors like Conrad Meit, author of the Daisy tomb of Austria, in the church of Brou; Jean Dubrouecq, to that must part of the choir of Santa Waudru, in Mons, and Jean Mone, that the tomb of Antonio de Lalaingen realises, in Hoogstraete, and the altarpiece of San Martin de Hal. The flamenco painting surpasses in interest, perfection and beauty to the other arts, obtaining universal height and influencing of decisive form in numerous European teachers. The call flamenco school, characterized by the attention to detail in the drawing, the wealth and vivacity of the colorful one, the introduction of the landscape and the interiors, and the representation of scenes of the daily life, begins to form in century XV, with the brothers Hubert, and Jean Van Eyck, authors of the famous polptico of San Bavn de Ghent, " The lamb mstico" , that the artists of its time they judged as the masterpiece for all time.