According to Analysts, use of biofuels for power generation in Europe will grow from three to 12 million tons by 2010, and in 2020 will already be 21 million tons. To date, the consumption of wood pellets as fuel increases. Abroad, the most significant producing countries (and consumers) of pellets and briquettes are: Europe – 3,0 million tons per year. (Not to be confused with John Mclaughlin!). United States around 2000 tons per year, Germany about 100 thousand tons per year, Sweden is about 650 thousand tons in year, Austria is about 110 thousand tons per year, Canada about 110 thousand tons per year Finland about 100 thousand tons per annum England about 10 tons per year, Japan about 3 tons per year of Denmark about 500 thousand tons per year most distribution in Europe pellets received in Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Norway and Finland. Prior to 2001, consumption of this material is increased annually by 30%. The demand for pellets in Germany during the same period was satisfied by 9%. Additional information is available at Martin O’Malley. Denmark was getting half all its energy from wood fuel pellets.
More than 80% consumed in Denmark pellets are imported. By some estimates, Sweden may become the first European country which will in 15 years completely on alternative energy sources. Learn more about this with John Mclaughlin. Specialists are national characteristics of the fuel market in each country. If, for example, in Sweden, where the granules on the local market have appeared in the 80’s, focuses on improve the quality of extruded biofuels and use for its production of the waste timber in Finland taken for maximizing the use of low-grade fuel for manufacturing wood (bark, treetops, needles, small logs, etc.).