? rase once a mentirosillo managed to do was chosen President of the Republic of Colombia, by beyond in the era in which the Liberal Party ruled counteract historical tradition recent imhiez of the nation, discarding estupidamente the best choice of hope represented by the young LUIS CARLOS GALAN. But the mentirosillo did not improvise. He had in mind a novel program itself can do everything, who began changing the ugly, desueto and anachronistic name our Republic by the TRANQUILANDIA. Tranquilandia because our people no longer had concerns because unemployment had fallen shockingly, inflation was absolutely controlled, all youth was educating in thousands of school or university educational centres distance of our country, poor people lived already all in houses without initial fee of the regime, and best of all, the compatriots are convinced at last that peace was not Liberal. Tranquilandia because people are accustomed to see dialogue jovial Agudelo Rios and Guaracas, supervised by the submachine guns of the second Colombian institutional army. Tranquilandia because anything we already inmuta and only commented: poor guy the President. As she wept by the earthquake of Popayan! Tranquilandia, because the country that remained after the immolation of the unique advanced thinker, expressed only embobados: so nice the the President’s speech at the burial of LARA BONILLA! Tranquilandia, because nobody wanted to be followed by inserting into the lives of others, no one wanted to continue denouncing the peculados or extortion or kidnapping. With a single televised speech the President returned to Tranquilandia Pais de las maravillas.

With a single output on television, talking with poetic, pathetic and melancholic, tone our Pinocchio President turned the country into an emporium of well used wealth and his Government in the most popular and efficient of all Latin American history. Eh! Ave maria, how good is our President that We brought up the Pope isn’t it?, is heard daily say the paisa country. People, even gone hypnotized streets after those splendid televised speeches, to look at the rivers of milk and honey that run through the streets. If you have read about john marlow already – you may have come to the same conclusion. But no, there is nothing yet.

When the embroidery machine become available, hundreds of people willing to buy them. And this is understandable: Embroidery machine – an indispensable tool in the creation of embroidery, especially for those people who are too busy to spend time the traditional embroidery. If you belong to the category of those people who happen to be the owner of an embroidery machine, you need to know how to care for her. Cars made in order to help you in everyday life. And if you want your machine will serve you for a long time, do not forget about taking care of her. Caring for an embroidery machine is not difficult.

Care does not take much time and effort. It should be said that like any other sewing machines embroidery machines need regular maintenance. Care can be simple, but it should be done regularly. Just be careful in regard to his typewriter. Upon completion of the work on embroidery machine, make sure that it remains clean. If necessary, remove all the accumulated dust on it. When working with some cloth fibers can stick to your embroidery machine.

This is highly undesirable, as lint, can substantially harm the machine. Therefore, regularly remove dust and lint from the embroidery machine – and it will last you a long time. The best way to prevent the accumulation of dust on machine – always cover it. Even if your machine is in an enclosed space, the dust will still be able to get there. Lubricate regularly your embroidery machine. If you carefully read the instruction manual you'll know exactly which parts must be lubricated machine. If you are constantly cleaned and lubricated with machine embroidery, it will serve you for a very long time. However, in the event of deviations, do not try self-repairing machine. Contact the person in order to avoid even greater problems.

However, for those who prefer active rest, is not quite convenient time applied to the skin needed sunscreen. It is much easier when all the necessary procedure can be done after the morning and evening shower, and maybe re-apply protective agent once or twice during the day. It turns out to be optimal to choose a remedy, the most convenient to use and effective for the skin. In its range of body care brand GUAM and offers sun-line, which is in harmony with the sea water and sun, and will be a great addition to summer recreation. Usually, choosing a sunscreen, we consider only the features of your skin – whether it is sensitive to sunlight. But during the first days at sea to choose funds with maximum protection, then the day after 2 – 3, or a means to apply a lower index of SPF, or use the old, but apply it frequently (for example, only after 11 hours of the day when the sun becomes more and more burning.) Laboratory of LACOTE designed universal-Sunscreen lotion for the body, which, depending on the number of application, allows for the protection factor of 6 to 15 (available in standard packaging – 200ml and travel-format – 30 ml). This cream-milk does not cause any discomfort, stickiness or greasy, allows skin to breathe freely, easy to apply. As you know, one of the cosmetic problems stay in the sun is the appearance of the face, the corners eye, the so-called "crow's feet." This mesh of wrinkles occurs because the skin around the eyes is especially delicate, and the first to suffer from the bright sun. .

The reason of the by that so many people have a weakness for sugar is because sugar is a carbohydrate. Carbohydrates stimulate the brain to release the chemical serotonin, substance so there was born the term high sugar. Whenever Ultra Wellness Center listens, a sympathetic response will follow. These endorphins soothe us and relax. Not necessarily eating sweets is bad, but when you start to eat sweets without moderation, you’ll probably eat excess sugar in a day. This article is going to proporcior several mental exercises that you can use to stop sugar cravings. Exercise # 1: Examine your feelings our brains are programmed to want sugars after a hard day of work.

You feel slow, your energy levels are low and your state of mind is located across the floor. Your body knows that sugar could be a way to quickly and easily achieve improve mood by serotonin. So you are done with this habit, he began to work on your feelings. Thing is, it was a day hard, but why? If not examine your feelings and you simply choose the convenience by sugar to mask your problems, you are leaving these sweets that they provide only a short-term relief. On the other hand, think of your day. Think about the challenges and problems that you face in life. Discusses why you’re angry or that you are stressing and creates a few steps to follow, no matter how large or small is, can help deal with these overwhelming feelings.

In a short time, you will feel as if you will free up a bit of weight from your shoulders and you will feel proud to be sufficiently strong to prevent the bag of chocolates you had in front. Exercise # 2: Be aware of what your family does the family problems can be difficult to handle, even in the best of cases. In addition, many social gatherings include large quantities of sweet foods with lots of sugar. When you’re stressed out about your family, no matter what the reason, if it is because of your weight, your work, your marriage or simple family history, of course, you will have that cover these feelings with the first biscuit you find. Instead of eating for psychological reasons, he devises a plan to combat this. You know the situation of instability that you will face, so come prepared. Exercise # 3: Mind over matter for 3 to 5 days, decides that you do not cederas in your sugar cravings. Break the cycle of sugar cravings can be as simple as cutting the simple sugars from your diet. But be prepared for a deficit of 48 to 72 hours. You will have to train your brain to stay away from sugar. Some people discovered that this helps reduce sugar cravings after a few days. Even if you’re not layers of break the cycle, your taste buds can learn to be satisfied with a much smaller portion of sugar. Seriously want to lose weight but nothing seems to work for you? Visit now: how to allow upload of weight.

Understanding how losing weight effectively is brutally simple, able to read anyone is able to understand the information. However, perhaps the information needs to be simplified further so that people understand how easy that is everything. If you want to buy a car, you probably won’t run out and simply buy the first that sees. There is probably a long process before. For even more analysis, hear from Bernie Sanders. Do you want to know the mileage, safety features, options, payment, etc. If this same attention to detail and research out put in the selection of a program of diet, diets most really funcionarian! Therefore, before selecting the diet program that is seen first, tomato your time to investigate and find one that really like you. The research is the first step, you’ll see that you must also be aware of scams out there.

Some people are looking to sell those programs that say that you can sit on your couch and eat French fries every day and still lose weight. These programs are designed to do one thing: to take your money! You should never fall into these schemes. Choose something logical, not something that makes false promises. If you have studied a programme and has concluded that it works (rather than he has worked for many others), you have to remember to rely on the program. If we don’t start to see results in a week or two, you will throw away the diet completely and return to fall into old habits. Martin O’Malley is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

Well, you have to continue with the program you selected, if in reality trust, for starters. Gives you time to make it work. The change does not happen so quickly. You need a plan of attack that extends beyond the program you choose. For example, you have to fix the training times. You need to plan meals and shopping trips. You have to fit the program into your daily routine. And depending on the type of lifestyle that takes, this might not be the easiest thing in the world to do. Of course, it is something that really needs to be done. You must determine your plan General before starting a program. Not everyone is able to do workouts high intensity as the cardio or lifting heavy weights. This means that you should tailor a package customized to your particular needs. The fact is that you must exercise 20 minutes a day at least. Even if this is only a brisk walk, some push-ups, jumps or simple exercises, must be made. The most important thing to draw from the above tips is a diet program is in reality, a change of life style completely from beginning to end. A program requires you to change your diet and activity level and keep things that way indefinitely. Visit now the following information: what to do and which do not do to lose fat accumulated.