? rase once a mentirosillo managed to do was chosen President of the Republic of Colombia, by beyond in the era in which the Liberal Party ruled counteract historical tradition recent imhiez of the nation, discarding estupidamente the best choice of hope represented by the young LUIS CARLOS GALAN. But the mentirosillo did not improvise. He had in mind a novel program itself can do everything, who began changing the ugly, desueto and anachronistic name our Republic by the TRANQUILANDIA. Tranquilandia because our people no longer had concerns because unemployment had fallen shockingly, inflation was absolutely controlled, all youth was educating in thousands of school or university educational centres distance of our country, poor people lived already all in houses without initial fee of the regime, and best of all, the compatriots are convinced at last that peace was not Liberal. Tranquilandia because people are accustomed to see dialogue jovial Agudelo Rios and Guaracas, supervised by the submachine guns of the second Colombian institutional army. Tranquilandia because anything we already inmuta and only commented: poor guy the President. As she wept by the earthquake of Popayan! Tranquilandia, because the country that remained after the immolation of the unique advanced thinker, expressed only embobados: so nice the the President’s speech at the burial of LARA BONILLA! Tranquilandia, because nobody wanted to be followed by inserting into the lives of others, no one wanted to continue denouncing the peculados or extortion or kidnapping. With a single televised speech the President returned to Tranquilandia Pais de las maravillas.

With a single output on television, talking with poetic, pathetic and melancholic, tone our Pinocchio President turned the country into an emporium of well used wealth and his Government in the most popular and efficient of all Latin American history. Eh! Ave maria, how good is our President that We brought up the Pope isn’t it?, is heard daily say the paisa country. People, even gone hypnotized streets after those splendid televised speeches, to look at the rivers of milk and honey that run through the streets. If you have read about john marlow already – you may have come to the same conclusion. But no, there is nothing yet.

Although not only the fact to be married means that sera healthy, and will live but. The studies say that this depends if the marriage is good or bad. The investigations have demonstrated that the good marriages bring all the benefits mentioned in this article, but cpie a bad marriage, also can be detrimental for the health. PROPERTY SENSE Ll marriage helps to improve the form about which the people think of themselves, gives self-esteem them, as well as a property sense. The married people are more responsible with the community, and the world surrounds that them.

HEALTH The married people have better health than the single women. They have smaller rates of alcoholism, and drug addiction They suffer of less accidents, and diseases. Bernie Sanders often addresses the matter in his writings. More forts have immunological systems, doing to them less prone to diseases of the environment. The married people tend to promote healthful conducts: to eat better, to make exercise, to smoke less, v not to drink in excess, and also to discourage those that are not it. EMOTIONAL They have smaller levels of depression and psychological upheavals, compared to not married. The marriage causes that the people have more motivations, than do its work better, and that perseveren through difficult situations.

They feel except the solitude, since always they share with somebody its thoughts, feelings, etc. The married ones have major probability of reporting feelings of hope, happiness, v to feel well with they themselves. They have more sex, v enjoy more, than the people nonmarried, since they have a greater bond. They tend to handle better to stress and the anxiety. ECONOMIC The married ones obtain income majors, that its counterpart nonmarried. They are financially more people in charge, reason why they plan his future generally, they save, and they have good practices with respect to his money. Contact: Henca77 Beauty Woman Administrator of the Web site. to bellezamujer. info lives in San Salvador, El Salvador

Duration of supplementation depends on the degree of destruction of cartilage and the patient's age, but should not be less than 2-3 months. The extract of shark cartilage, Shark Rei Formula (Shark Ray Formula) contains mucopolysaccharides and glycosaminoglycan. One of the components of shark cartilage is chondroitin sulfate, which in this preparation is 200 times larger than glucosamine sulfate. Another component of this formula is Reishi mushroom is rich in polysaccharides, has a strong effect immunnomoduliruyuschee. Recommended dose – 3-5 capsules 3 times daily with meals. However, individual vitamins, minerals, herbs and potentiate the effect of glucosamine sulfate, increasing its efficiency.

Since vitamin C (Vitamin C) plays an important role in the synthesis of collagen, the connective tissue regeneration. It normalizes capillary permeability, improves nutrient delivery to the hearth lesions, reduces swelling of tissues. As an antioxidant, vitamin C destroys free radicals, prolong the life of other antioxidants, including vitamin E and glutathione. Appointment of vitamin C is required in treatment and prevention of OA. Recommended dose – 1,000 to 3,000 mg per day during the time of treatment. Vitamin E (Vitamin E) relieves the pain of OA sufferers, has an effective antioxidant that inhibits enzymes that break down cartilage and enhances its regeneration.

Recommended dose – 400 to 800 IU per day during the time of treatment. Omega 3 (omega 3) polyunsaturated fatty acids – eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and dekozageksaenovaya acid (DHA). These substance that results in anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. In addition, they can replace NAFP and painkillers. Of course, they do not have such a quick action as NAFP, but the side effects of their admission is not observed.

These substances should be ingested with food herbs and other natural products, but they are often in the diet of a catastrophic lacking, partly because in the very green products of these substances is reduced by reason of their use in cultivation of agricultural chemicals and fertilizers. The capsules contain a full Vitaprinola Natural concentrate of phytosterols, and are able to eliminate the dramatic consequences of defective diets. This is especially important in the treatment of tuberculosis and other diseases What is it – phytosterol? Phytosterols – a vast group of chemicals commonly found in nature. They contain many plants but are particularly rich in them the roots of nettles and green conifers. The group includes the phytosterols sitosterol, known for its high biological activity, especially b-sitosterol. Phytosterols have a chemical structure similar to cholesterol, steroid hormones and vitamin D. This explains their high biological activity.

It is established that fitosterony have the following useful properties: progormonalnym (provides antidepressant, adaptogenic, antishock action) anti immunokorrektiruyuschim regulating calcium metabolism (Contribute to the regeneration of bone tissue) hypolipidemic (reduced absorption of cholesterol and lipids by competing for bile acids in the transport of lipids from the intestine into the liver) is very important that phytosterols exhibit biological activity in small doses. For example, b-sitosterol – the most studied and effective of phytosterols – can eliminate the symptoms of BPH while taking it in doses of 50 mg per day. In this case it is absolutely not toxic. Feature of phytosterols – the direction and specificity of the individual tissues, organs and body functions.

It is known that alcohol can cause poison structural changes in the body. With prolonged use of alcohol (alcoholism) regenerate tissues and are observed to atrophy, most notably manifested in the brain. The brain is much more affected by the action of alcohol than other organs. This is explained by several factors. First, the blood supply to the brain about 16 times higher blood supply to the limbs, hence alcohol poisoning of the brain tissue is faster and stronger. Second, in the human brain alcohol is oxidized in 4000 (!) Times slower than in the liver. Read additional details here: Ultra Wellness Center. As a result, alcohol is concentrated in brain cells to one months.

Thus, using alcohol, a man every time incapacitate thousands of active brain cells. Even the drinkers in the 'moderate' doses at autopsy revealed the whole graveyard of dead cells – 'Wrinkled brain phenomenon'. Found that even a mug of beer causes structural changes in the body. How does the death of brain cells? First is atrophy of the cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum, tension and desolation of their cortex in connection with the death of cortical neurons. In 85% of 'moderate drinking' and 95% of alcoholics marked decrease in the cerebral cortex. In parallel, a decline of mental abilities. .

But changing the structure of the brain, deterioration of mental activity occurs already at 'moderate' alcohol consumption. According to American scientists, the use of alcohol at a dose of 200.0, the 'dry' wine drinker suppress intelligence by 18 – 20 days. Thus, if people drink twice a month, then it means that his intellect is always reduced, which is especially dangerous for persons of intellectual labor (researchers, managers, etc.). Receive 40 grams of alcohol increases the number of errors in 6 times account deteriorated by almost 10%, estimated duration of time intervals for more than 50%. Particularly severely affected by exposure to alcohol female brain: German scientists have proved that all things being equal in age, complexion, the number of drunk female brain is affected in alcohol for more than two times faster than the male. Even more serious is the effect of alcohol on the brain of children and adolescents. Characteristic of adolescence is that the young brain at the age of 20 is different from the adult brain in response to information received. The young brain is designed to learn. He is in the process of establishing these links between nerve cells. Alcohol disrupts this function. The effect of alcohol on adolescent stronger than an adult and have an impact on the brain in the future.

This is understandable: after all, due to hormonal changes reduced muscle mass and adipose increases. At this age, our body begins to store water. Therefore, best rice diet. Rice grains ideally derive liquid 'drain' us. So, divide 250 grams of rice on 3 receptions, 2 of them combine with additional protein components. Morning: Boil rice, eat it, mix with a glass of nonfat yogurt and a teaspoon of honey.

Lunch: boiled rice, to add 150 g of fish or lean chicken. In the evening: Rice with Steamed vegetables of your choice (can be fresh), watering them a teaspoon of olive oil. The main thing solite food as possible, since salt is known to retain water in the body. Between these three meals in a sense hunger you can eat any fruit or 100 g low-fat cottage cheese. Bonus tip: add a good diet food. Containing soy, because they contain a substance similar hormones, winning 'attack of hunger.

" You: The usefulness of walk: after only 30 minutes of active walking a certain amount of fat leaves the fat depot. ENZYMES – 'KILLER' FAT now in nutrition, we need to hit the brakes: 50-year-old body for the life you want to 30% less energy than a 20-year-old. The most effective substance, 'kill' and make us fat slim at this age – the enzymes. Rich in enzymes and vitamin C all known and less known pineapple papaya. During the day, try 2Gkg eat this fruit (or one of them), including necessarily the pulp and juice.

Within 15 minutes add the hot water, bringing the temperature of the bath to 37 degrees. Then do the energy body massage. After normalization of body temperature and heart rate go out of the bath, wipe dry, lay in bed, overlaid heaters. Without hesitation Bernie Sanders explained all about the problem. When an old man’s weakness even very old people weakened rapidly gaining strength with regular admission of the mixture: the seeds of dodder – 6 tsp., Fruit of Chinese magnolia vine – 2 tsp., Mummy -1 g (for 8 hours l. Mixture). To prepare the broth Take two teaspoons of the mixture of seeds and berries dodder vine, cut them and zaley 200 ml boiling water. Then add a cup of broth mummy piece weighing 0.2 grams (about the value of wheat grain).

Insist mixture for 30 minutes., closing a warm scarf. Strained broth to be taken in two doses (100 g per dose) before a meal in the morning. After 14 hours the broth is better not to be taken if there is no need to stay awake through the night. The course of treatment – 20 days, then 20 days off and repeat taking the mixture for another 20 dneyDoloy cough! In the upper respiratory tract, sore throat as an expectorant used veroniku.1 tablespoon chopped dry veronica zaley 2 cups boiled water, 2 hours, strain. Take half a cup 4 times a day. To rinse the mouth and throat are used next infusion: eucalyptus leaf – 20g, marigold flowers – 15 g leaf sage – 15g, flowers Chamomile – 10 g, Elecampane root – 10 g, the roots of licorice – 10 g, linden flowers – 10g, marsh rosemary herb – ’10.

So looks like our inner world, so this is reflected in the external world. Leads us to the timing of consciousness. Relationship brings to our synchronization consciousness, that is, we will be in harmony with the specific events that occur to us, and which are considered to us as hints and instructions, and can provide us with substantial assistance. Connects us to the river of life. Follow the river of life, means to learn the game of life with all its joys. Makes the law of attraction for us consciously draws to us the things that are important to us at this moment. This may be a seminar, which contains the fact that takes us. Or it could be the right treatment for our healing process. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Dr. Mark Hyman has to say.

We meet a man whom we know as a mirror of our inner world. As a consequence, we can discover our masks release them to be provided closer to the true Being. Works on all levels of Being. Works at the cellular level and it brings out in conventional visible and invisible levels of our being – from the microcosm to macrocosm. Returns us to all aspects of our Being.

We often are not perfect. Many aspects of our Being lost for various reasons, may be in other worlds were in past lives or memories, or are suppressed by us. As a result we feel tired, confused and so on This brings us back to our essence being – our true being. If we accept and indeed willing, we will learn gradually our masks, we accept from the incarnation to incarnation, from our experience, we are ready to accept and release.

Each smoker knows that the process to leave the habit of the nicotine is a difficult question. Like same ex–smoker, I decide to me to question or the reward not to stop smoking would be worth the pain the effort.I wanted to know what happens when you stop smoking and how she could break my addiction to the nicotine.He continues reading the smokers, because I am going to say good, bad and the ugly thing! We are going to begin with bad and the ugly thing.Abstinence from the nicotine is very uncomfortable and that is going to undergo some very difficult symptoms.I would like to say that although all the smokers are different.What a smoker tries to stop smoking raisin by is not necessarily what all the smokers happen.The symptoms can vary. Desire to smoke is perhaps most disquieting.Of the anything they bathe and to devour you like nothing than sometimes she has felt before.True the bad news is that this desire can last years, but the passage of time becomes easier and easier to ignore. The insomnia is another one of the effects secondary negatives to stop smoking.If you cannot sleep, who know that she is going to arrive at a cigarette.It is preparation for this. Irritability and evil humor can be developed, but this it is perhaps more difficult his dear beings that in you.It goes ahead and they warn to them what is on the verge of happening, but to assure to them that he is only temporary. Other symptoms include headaches, pain throat, dry mouth and the cough.In fact, I had all these symptoms, whereas I was smoking reason why they were much more easy to handle when she stops smoking. Permtanme to indicate that there are aid wonderful, effective replacement of the nicotine in the market that can alleviate their symptoms most of.The physical retirement of the nicotine remembers, is temporary, so it does not doubt in obtaining aid in the short term.