In this full report we present the summary of the study that we perform for more than 12 years to a group of more than 1,500 small and medium-sized enterprises. For more specific information, check out Guitarist. One of the most impressive findings that we find is that there are thousands of small and medium-sized companies known as SMEs that are closed each year. It has made us believe that the main cause of so many closures is due to external factors that are beyond the control of the entrepreneur to start any business in particular. We studied the psychology of entrepreneurs for more than 10 years and compare them with the mistakes that are made in a small and medium business. Coming to the conclusion that all the problems faced by an entrepreneur in his business are not by causes external to the entrepreneur, are due to internal causes of, is saying that everything has to do with the mindset of an entrepreneur, his way of seeing things, their beliefs.

In other words, a small or medium business fails because his intention this wrong. In the manifesto of the entrepreneur, you can discover the 10 mistakes that are committing the 97% of entrepreneurs but that many do not have realized. All these errors are due to start a business with the wrong intent. Whether they are errors in marketing, leadership, management or sales the root of all evil is about to start with the wrong intent. There are two marked differences in businesses that are successful and those who are left with the passing of the years. 1. When an entrepreneur starts its business only by pursuing a business opportunity almost certainly that this business lasted only a short time.

This approach of pursuing an opportunity, since many entrepreneurs climb the ladder of success to realize, at the end when they already reached the top, they were supported on the wrong wall. Others lose until socks for pursuing an opportunity to clearly them this screaming is not viable. 2. When an entrepreneur starts a business, by building a real business, is when you can succeed, since its goal will not only be money, but contribute to improve this world into something very specific. This second classification, We are entrepreneurs successful at the beginning will not see the differences, since as you’ve seen these two types of entrepreneurs when they started they have little money, nothing about customers and eager to succeed. But as the years go by, you will notice that the second type, begin to protrude little by little, to position itself as a leader in your market. The question is do these only pursuing opportunities or really want to build a real business? If your really you want to build a real business, begins by knowing which are the mistakes of 97% of entrepreneurs, by having started with the wrong intent. This manifesto is for all entrepreneurs committed, who are starting a business or want to improve the business that already has. Download it is free in the original author and source of the article page

They grow banks in Colombia 21 May 2009 I think one sample of the level of maturity that is reaching the Colombian economy is what is happening in its banking system which ignores him to the crisis and continues to grow with strength focusing his gaze on the medium and long term. A contramano in the world, Colombia’s banking sector continues to grow and generating benefits for its economy. For even more details, read what Electric says on the issue. And for himself same also, which was faithfully reflected in the increase of 20.9% of the profits of the sector during the month of March. When I found the news on money I wondered what implications could have the increase of banking not only on companies and individuals, but in the Colombian economy as a whole. This is precisely what will turn to comment on them in this article. The last months of 2008 and which leads Tour 2009 have not been positive months for the economies of Latin America in general and the Colombian economy in particular. In spite of this, the Association of banks and institutions Financial Colombia (Asobancaria), realized that in the last year, 689.929 of age Colombians and more than 100,000 companies are bancarizaron.

With this result, more than half of the adult population is unbanked in 2002 when this percentage reached 39% of this population segment. There are 15.8 million Colombians unbanked. The banking business is going through a good moment in Colombia, but still has a long way to go and become a mainstay of the growth and development of the economy. Yet the depth of Bank intermediation in Colombia is low. Credit to the private sector does not reach 20% and deposits just exceeded that percentage. The claims of the Colombian bankers in this sense passed by improving the regulatory framework considering the Elimination of the tax on financial transactions and the limit imposed to the interests charged by microcredit (which leaves no fully incorporate some elements such as the assumed risk, accidents and associated costs to provide this service, at the rate finally charged).

What is amazing and wonderful for a child can be indifferent for adults as educators have the responsibility: the formation of the students the main objective is to ensure that learners they are: creative, productive, aware of their needs and their reality, involved critically, exercising their powers to plethora in search of solutions to the problems in your environment will pose. It is necessary to know the different conceptualizations of creativity since it will have an overview and understanding of the relationship between the learning at the same time give us tools to stimulate creativity in students. Conceptualization of creativity: now in the educational field is much talk about creativity but; There are those who consider them that creativity is genetic or others decide that it’s a quality. v there are individuals born with creativity as a gift or a special talent or who is a faculty that exist somewhere in the brain. v all creative action occur in a medium cultural and sociocultural-Economico determined by what is not oblivious to its context. Since this directly related with the same v creativity: it is an experience and an Act, it is a human capacity, object development, which no man lacks and can manifest itself in any human activity. Guitarist is full of insight into the issues. v creativity as a human capacity requires the acquisition and use of a series of knowledge, attitudes and skills.

Here takes the two latest definitions; Creativity allows the development of a process that leads to the production of objects, things or situations that solve a particular fact.Therefore this process the student puts into play their experiences, which translates into the application of knowledge that has to solve the situation faced at the time. Now we know that creativity is not hereditary, but object of development. By which the pupil has: attitudes and intellectual abilities that enables you to actively face the problem of their environment and their real situation because enable the exercise of creative action of the individual at his time.

Their expensive wedding gifts and our with the birthdays of children and cases of interest, with the grandchildren’s marriages blessed by Pope Castro I. Mental and fawning eunuchs as Martinez Paez, Alfredo Guevara, Chomi Barruecos, former Commander Lemus, Kouri and others more, without courage to come out of the closet; Jesters as Papito Serguera and one bands of clowns guatacones accompanying it their delusions of sportsman and millionaire canero, which allowed him to even crude cheating to win game quimbumbia or pin pon. This debauch Fidel handles them with ease, using the system of carrot and stick. John Mclaughlin: the source for more info. I nursing them and I am at your whim, more difficult, was with some other moral stature or personal courage. When he could, he shook those who They bothered. Removed them from the top of one form or another. Click John Mclaughlin to learn more.

With young people of Santiago de Cuba, is counted: Fidel Castro never wanted to be Frank Pais who opened the second front guerrilla in the Sierra Cristal in 1957, but it always objected vehemently to join the guerrillas, while the Headquarters from Santiago de Cuba express Fidel more than ample reasons to protect the young Santiago. Frank was upset with Fidel because when Frank sent him one of his paintings of confidence to support the development of the guerrillas in the Sierra Maestra and prepare the conditions to create the second front, in less than sixty days, Fidel get rid of Jorge Sotus, sending it with obvious unnecessary mission to the alien, who deeply disliked Frank Pais. So did with Camilo to tickle his ego with the second edition of the invasion to the West as did Maceo and Maximino Gomez, 60 years earlier, so tipifico, as parallel lives the two personalities in speeches as I draw and I tied, catalog these two heroes of the independence of Cuba, with the heroes of the moment, it independia it short, Camilo with Maceo and Che, foreigner as Maximo Gomez.

The possibility of new technology to recognize verbal commands was fairly complex. Thus, the program temperature and time of washing can be set, even without going to the car. In the mass production model has not yet arrived, but if the results presentation will show that users interested in “Hermine”, then soon it will be able to take their place in the market among the expensive high technology. Company Gorenje has equipped its new model Premium Touch wa 65205 sensors and systems for electronic intelligence UseLogic. With their help, the machine collects and analyzes information and then selects the best system of washing. In this case, is determined by the required minimum water, electricity and detergent.

Clear Water system checks the purity of water during the rinse, and Teach function “Full Aqua Stop prevents leakage. In addition to the proposed standard software washing machine provides an opportunity create your own, individual, can make to the memory and to use every time you wash. By means of a dialog screen. In Russian washing machine will report on water consumption, Spin speed and time until the end of the process. And after washing it beeps. Washing machine with the ability to choose the time and not lag behind company Electrolux, which offers consumers new washing machine with a Time Manager. This model is equipped with a convenient lcd display and buttons to change the time of washing, allows housewives to choose the duration of the cycle.

In addition, they no longer belong to this society. They have gone, they have worked, have managed to maintain his family, they have learned things new have seen other ways to live. They are no longer the same as before and also fit into his old life. The familiar regroupings are not panacea. It is true that they have with the company of her children and husband, but problems also arise. The husband is an independent woman, with employment and income own and used to living his life autonomously. And it comes into collision with the sexist principles of the husband.

Appear, then, problems of child abuse and domestic violence. 99 Women murdered by their partners in the year 2007 in Spain, 28 of them were foreign. The newly arrived children do not see nor covered their expectations of life in paradise. Before their mothers were sending hundreds of euros that could be your school needs and spend money on clothes or other superfluous articles of consumption. Three hundred or four hundred euros in Ecuador or Bolivia is what can earn a parent to keep your entire family. In Spain the euros do not run so much.

The family must tighten their belts and children tend to be willing to do so. And the mother sees how has to work harder to keep the whims of their offspring and not feel the disappointment of unfulfilled expectations. Women are the backbone of any society and a fundamental element so that it develops and grows. Immigrant women play a very important role in their countries since they become example for other women and force their daughters to form, to know their rights, enjoy a responsible maternity and must meet other essential in host societies: create a support network for immigrant women. The veteran can teach to move through the city, help to find housing or a job to the newly arrived. Through social networks, attempting to break the negative circle of uprootedness and solitude of women that we need so much.