Cost should have inexpensive, and the money will be from our taxes and for a good cause. (A valuable related resource: Bernie Sanders). Population, of course, would not have to pay. Well, if it will be another government project. Now each region has its own regional The Legislative Assembly and to ensure that periodic elections are different levels of electoral commissions. On the activity of these organs are allocated certain funds from the budget. Further details can be found at Michael Chabon , an internet resource. After the launch of the new voting system, and in fact – self-government at all levels, the need for these structures no longer required, and money can be devoted to maintenance of structures for the operation of the new system. This structure can be called, say, legislative committees, elected for a fixed period, on a permanent basis, with a small serving technical staff.
The duties, rights, rules of operation must be will once again discuss and approve. As you can see, some challenges to the administration is not visible. The software will develop any serious enough organization. Will be most likely first time to use the existing cellular network for leased lines. Make a kind of cell phone, without any bells and whistles, with several buttons and display, no problem. To organize a computer network like the present, 'CEO Elections' or, even better, and use it – is not a problem. Skeptics and opponents will say that people are not ready for direct democracy and a system of government. But even in ancient Rome, the level of Democracy has been higher than now, and it kind already existed in the Middle Ages and in Russia, Novgorod – nationwide Chamber.
The bulk of the population will understand quickly the benefits of self-government and a new generation, which will grow in the new system in general will not understand how someone decided for us, as we live, what kind of laws and how. At present levels of development of the media and the political will of the leadership, organize training and explanation, again, no problem. It is advisable to study law at the school became one of the core subjects. You can introduce gradually, as pilot projects in areas that already are implementing Act 131 local government. Here is a concrete concept of the transition to direct democracy and self-invite to the discussion.