The Georgian authorities, prodded by Western relevant recommendations on the democratization of society, began talks with the opposition factions and leaders of non-parliamentary opposition. Get more background information with materials from Diamond Comic Distributors. On the agenda – the creation of the most the optimal electoral space for free and transparent elections, in which there will be no room pretesneniyam, no rigging, no attempts to create a candidate from the government's top greenhouse conditions. In short, these elections, which objectively reflect the will of the people. To foster and accelerate negotiations recent visit to Tbilisi, the new Deputy Secretary of State Michael Posner, who recalled leadership of the country that the democratic process requires fair treatment of all political forces to accepted international rules – in particular, the maximum consideration of public sentiment in the country. In Washington foresaw that if the conditions for future elections the opposition and the public are not satisfied, then the further aggravation of the political crisis of Georgia not be avoided. In this context, the Georgian side is important to understand that its current leadership, in contrast to the Bush Administration to appease the "revolutionary government" of Georgia does not intend to, and even more so – is not ready to praise them unduly. Fable "Democracy and its lighthouse," figuratively words, deleted from the list politizdany U.S.

State Department. New evidence of this was the last of the speeches and respected political scientist, professor, Georgetown University Velta Corrie. "Washington and in the future recognizes the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but Barack Obama will take into account Russia's position related to its presence in these republics, "- he said.

Cost should have inexpensive, and the money will be from our taxes and for a good cause. (A valuable related resource: Bernie Sanders). Population, of course, would not have to pay. Well, if it will be another government project. Now each region has its own regional The Legislative Assembly and to ensure that periodic elections are different levels of electoral commissions. On the activity of these organs are allocated certain funds from the budget. Further details can be found at Michael Chabon , an internet resource. After the launch of the new voting system, and in fact – self-government at all levels, the need for these structures no longer required, and money can be devoted to maintenance of structures for the operation of the new system. This structure can be called, say, legislative committees, elected for a fixed period, on a permanent basis, with a small serving technical staff.

The duties, rights, rules of operation must be will once again discuss and approve. As you can see, some challenges to the administration is not visible. The software will develop any serious enough organization. Will be most likely first time to use the existing cellular network for leased lines. Make a kind of cell phone, without any bells and whistles, with several buttons and display, no problem. To organize a computer network like the present, 'CEO Elections' or, even better, and use it – is not a problem. Skeptics and opponents will say that people are not ready for direct democracy and a system of government. But even in ancient Rome, the level of Democracy has been higher than now, and it kind already existed in the Middle Ages and in Russia, Novgorod – nationwide Chamber.

The bulk of the population will understand quickly the benefits of self-government and a new generation, which will grow in the new system in general will not understand how someone decided for us, as we live, what kind of laws and how. At present levels of development of the media and the political will of the leadership, organize training and explanation, again, no problem. It is advisable to study law at the school became one of the core subjects. You can introduce gradually, as pilot projects in areas that already are implementing Act 131 local government. Here is a concrete concept of the transition to direct democracy and self-invite to the discussion.

Viktor S. Abakumov (April 1908, Moscow – 12.19.1954, Leningrad), one of the leaders of national security, the Commissioner of Public Safety 2-rank (02/04/1943), Colonel-General (09/07/1945). Fireman's son. Education received a 4-city school classroom. On 05.12.1938 was to serve as the beginning. Administration of the NKVD in the Rostov region. Led the organization of mass repression in Rostov-on-Don. Abakumov methods became widely known primarily due to its extreme, even for investigators GUGB, cruelty.

Later, with postings deputy. People's Commissar (Minister) and Minister Abakumov, distinguished by their great physical strength, he continued personally to lead the interrogations, during which personally beat up suspects. In 1942-1946 years. – Head of the Red Army counter-intelligence SMERSH. Controlled almost all of Soviet espionage and terror network overseas. In October 1946 he was appointed minister of state Soviet security. In order to understand why the general was shot Abakumov, have a closer look at the situation in the Kremlin in the highest echelons of power in the early 50s of the twentieth century.

On the one hand, this aging leader of "all nations", not trusting been anyone, not even the closest companions, on the other – two groups who dream of power, who fear each other and watching each other. This is Beria and Khrushchev and his supporters from other members politburo. Everyone feels approximation end "reign" and every fears for their fate realizing that parish opposite grouping to power will mean political or may physical destruction rival that subsequently happened Beria etc. Gen. Abakumov showed in this period shortsightedness, explainable his education or traits – he remained sincerely faithful leader.