Wastewater technology in the channel and pipe in bad Tolz and the world is one of the many fields of activity around the wastewater technology channel and pipe cleaning. This can be ingrown roots or deposits, and also the removal of Incrustations, blockages in, sinks, toilets, bath is a work which is carried out by professionals for the cleaning of tubes and channel in bad Tolz, Berlin and other German cities. Long but still not enough, because there are many other problems relating to the cleaning of pipe and channel related. So the pipe and sewer rehabilitation is here, because sometimes lines out of date and can no longer be repaired. Here, too, there are the different procedures that can be performed only by specialist companies and may. Another important work is the pipe location, which is above all in question, if you bought a used House including plot.

Not always there are detailed drawings, where the pipes and where is the channel. By an optical inspection Lines and channels may be a status check. Also including damage can be localized where also the latest technology is used, so that unnecessary holes in the plot must be dug. By the use of special tools and the necessary know-how are the specific lists for wastewater technology in bad tolz, Germany, Berlin, Hamburg, etc. in the location, clean and reliable to do all the work. Interested parties can find these companies in bad Tolz and the rest of Germany over the Internet or through a look at the local business directory.

Energy cooperative waives diesel production already fossil Beiersdorf-Freudenberg, 04.09.2009 – the costs of global warming will cost up to three times more money than previously calculated, the prestigious Imperial College London in a new study warns. Frequently John Mclaughlin has said that publicly. The costs should be Jahrlich(!) up to $500 billion. Thus, the estimates are up to three times higher than the figures forecast by the climate change secretariat of the United Nations (UNFCCC). For more information see Martin O’Malley. World’s largest emitter is the still excessive burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, but so far underestimated negative factors include the processing industry, the mass tourism, mining and the growing traffic. That powerful fuel and a balanced CO2 balance not must mutually, the Brandenburg-based energy cooperative Freudenberg proves EC. Manufactures CEHATROL, a in accordance with DIN EN 590 certified biofuel of II generation. This is entirely of biogenic raw and Residues produced preferably straw from the region – and is not to be confused with conventional biodiesel. Who privately in his company required more than 300 l diesel a year, can convert now to CEHATROL and thus environmentally friendly fuel balance”, explains CEO Frank Knauer, it combined easily in all diesel engines, etc. can be used due to its synthetic composition and can even be mixed. And the price is for our cooperative members below the regular gas station prices.” More information about the energy cooperative of Freudenberg and CEHATROL on.

Market incentive program is changed from 15 August / campaign ‘ can my heating more ‘ and good news for environmental and cost-conscious homeowners BAFA explain the main changes: from August 15, 2012, the Federal Office of Economics and export control (BAFA) improved its subsidies for solar thermal, heat pumps and biomass boilers in the market incentive programme. For solar thermal BAFA 90 euros per square meter for the investment are still, now however at least 1,500 euros per plant. This new minimum sum pays off for small and medium-sized plants: for an average investment of 13 square meters the base funding amounted to 1.170 euro so far. Condition for the promotion: the system provides hot water and support the heating system at the same time. The campaign can’t my heating”of the non-profit co2online GmbH accompanies the launch of the revised programme with a topic special on my heizung.de.

My heizung.de gives tips on applying the topic special informed homeowners about Solar thermal systems and introduces the new eligibility requirements. An expert of the campaign partners BAFA gives practical tips for filling out the application form in the interview. As global warming community we are pleased about the improved support for solar thermal”says Tanja Loitz, Managing Director of co2online. The use of solar thermal energy is most effective when homeowners while increasing the efficiency of their heating. “A hydraulic adjustment provides the optimum setting of the heating system ensure that the heating costs go down”, so Loitz. Hydraulic leveling: consumer benefits twice in addition to the base funding for solar collectors pays BAFA continue a bonus grant in the amount of 500 euros for the replacement of the boiler against a gas condensing boiler, a biomass boiler or a heat pump. Condition is the hydraulic adjustment.

While a skilled craftsmen optimally adjusts all components of a heating system. The consumer benefits not only from the 500 euro of funding, but also by decreasing heating costs. The reason: The hydraulic comparison is evenly the heat in the House, which decreases energy consumption of heating and solar collectors on the roof to provide a proportionally larger share of the heating energy required. “More facts around the hydraulic leveling my defroster does more can” on the campaign site available. “My heating more my heating can more” is a campaign of the non-profit consultancy co2online. The nationwide campaign is funded by the Federal Ministry of environment in the framework of the national climate protection initiative and supported by the Consumer Council energy advice. The Ostfalia University of applied sciences is a scientific partner. Together with a cross-industry network with partners from associations, business and trade media are consumers of personal efficiency potential hydraulic leveling itself in terms of informed and motivated to become active.

‘ Climate seeks protection supports the largest Carrotmob with energy consultants / in Hamburg, Munich, Passau, and Luneburg actions take place at the same time next Thursday, October 21, 2010 is the climate protection directly into the hands of consumers. Each so-called car red mobs will be held in Hamburg, Munich, Passau, Luneburg. A Carrotmob is the opposite of a boycott: here people gather together to consume in a particular business. For this, the operator undertakes to invest a certain percentage of the turnover in the climate-friendly restructuring of its business. “The money will be invested also makes sense, and by the power of the consumer in the future a maximum CO2 emissions can be avoided, professional help is needed: the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment climate seeks protection” (www.klima-sucht-schutz.de) the Carrotmobber supported in all four cities with each an energy consultant. They have already examined the potential savings in stores Depending on Thursday and more is consumed, the more the proposed measures can be implemented at the end. The Carrotmob day organized by the student network sneep provides a Europe-wide first: never before such an action in so many places took place at the same time.

The message of the car red mob is easy: targeted consumer makes all the difference. It is important that the successes are concretely measurable, just so is clear, how important the commitment of the individual is. “, Steffi sour Ballesteros, project manager of the campaign says climate seeks protection”. Our energy consultants, calculate how much CO2 can be avoided by replacing an old appliance, use of energy-efficient lighting or other energy-saving measures.” The stores participating in the individual Hamburg: EDEKA, corner Easter/Heuss road, from 8-8: 00; 15 percent of the daily turnover are invested in energy-efficient conversion. Special action at 18:30. Munich: country man ‘ s organic market (Barer Strasse 54-56), 6 pm 8 pm; 50 percent of generated revenue are in the energy-efficient remodeling invested; Framework programme: organic champagne reception and live music by Sharyhan.

New competition “Energiesparcup” for private households will start / action weeks with prices in the value of several thousand euros / support of MEP Dagmar Roth-Behrendt and German tenants Association Berlin, April 13, 2011. The European Championships of energy savers start on April 13. Eleven Nations are at the Energiesparcup and regions involved, including Germany. Take part and each household can become a member of the German team, whether single, WG or family. The competition promoted by the European Commission is organized by numerous European climate protection initiatives. The German team is supported by the non-profit co2online GmbH and accompanied. Only participation requirement for the Energiesparcup is the opening of a free energy savings, which is comparable to the energy of the team members and also about the end of the competition, accompanied at all successful. In addition, regular action weeks to various energy saving issues reward team members with exclusive giveaways and Prices in the value of several thousand euros.

Aim of the competition is the participants to demonstrate that energy saving is a creative and exciting employment, in which anyone can join beyond concrete savings success. Information about the Energiesparcup, the access to the energy savings, practical tips and everything related to the German team there on. Energiesparcup nominated for European sustainable energy award experienced “Participants in the Pan-European, sporting competition, that achieve the climate protection goals of the EU for example, 20 percent energy saving is a shared responsibility of all citizens and citizens of Europe 2020 -“, says the patron of the competition, Dagmar Roth-Behrendt, Vice-President of the European Parliament. The Energiesparcup was already honoured before: on the 12th of April the awarding of the European sustainable held in Brussels energy award. In total, 303 projects took part in the competition. Consumption was one of the five best projects in the category of Energiesparcup. An extraordinary success and a good sign for the young competition. Participation is worthwhile for everyone involved also the German tenants Association (DMB) calls on its members to participate in the competition: “The German tenants Association supports the Energiesparcup, because you see people due to the competition, where they are with their consumption and learn what they can achieve,” says Dr.

Franz-Georg rips, President of DMB. Worth taking: for each one, because he can reduce his own costs under the guidance and motivation of the entire team. For the best German savers, who can go to Brussels after the end of competition for the solemn ceremony. And for the German team, which has the chance of the Championship title. The entry is possible at any time up to the end of the competition on April 30, 2012. On the competition and co2online the non-profit consultancy co2online mbH for the reduction of climate-damaging CO2 committed. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors, a climate quiz and portal partners from Economy, media, science, politics and administration motivates individuals, to also save money with active climate protection. co2online is winner of the campaign “Climate seeks protection” (www.klima-sucht-schutz.de) funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment and organized the German campaign of the ECCC (European citizen climate Cup). This takes place for the first time and you want to animate in 11 European countries and regions at the same time to save energy. Contact: Falko Muller co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9 10829 Berlin Tel: 030 / 210 21 86 12 E-Mail: falko.mueller(at)co2online.de

SPD members approve the coalition agreement. Thus, new targets to the energy revolution turned out! Starting from a technical and economic analysis of potential we want to develop markets for energy efficiency and thereby bind all stakeholders”…. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Martin O’Malley. While it looks increasingly worse for the development corridor of photovoltaics, opens up new bright spots for solar thermal energy. Peripheries, EEG, wind turbines, photovoltaic systems, these are the topics in the public perception. Heat has been dealing a long time stepmotherly by the Government.”-as Reinhold Weiser, Managing Director of the AkoTec company (German manufacturer of vacuum tube collector). According to the German solar industry (BSW-solar) Association and the Federation of industrial Germany House, energy and environmental technology (BDH), a sales decline of 11% for the solar thermal took place in the year 2013. Therefore, both organizations urged Union and the SPD, the solar thermal energy for energy transformation better conditions to offer.

“Market incentive program (MAP) the pot is full”- it is said in an article of the Federal Office of Economics and export control (BAFA short). The attractive subsidies were not sufficiently used for the buildings in 2013. Around 70 million euros, the homeowners to retrofit with solar collectors to provide stand alone for the year 2013. The funding pots are therefore still bulging. But not only for 2013 are still abundant funding available. Also in 2014, there are good prospects for the solar and other renewable energy to generate heat, favored by the coalition agreement.