The environments of virtual communication are characterized by the use of a new variety of the Portuguese language, sight with distrust for the society, therefore not yet if it knows how much the use of the variety of virtual environments can influence in education/learning of the norm standard. We are living a moment of attempts to improve the quality of public education in Brazil, will not be of one hour pra another one, but if each Brazilian educator to add forces, to persist in the change and not to leave to believe, certainly will be possible to reach such objectives for the area of Portuguese language, of which I belong. Such content was searched not only it can, but as this new century if finds inserted, that is computer must be applied in classroom from the main focus that the pupil of. Everything is on and turning around this new educational tool, that fits the exception of that, since that used correctly for such ends. Bernie Sanders recognizes the significance of this. In this estimated, chances of the pupils had been created to work contents in Portuguese language using itself of the MSN AND the ORKUT. Internet comes revolutionized the communication as no invention was capable to make before. It is, at the same time, a mechanism of dissemination of the information and world-wide spreading, and a way for contribution and interaction between individuals and its computers, independently of its geographic localization.
The Internet provoked many changes, even though in the vocabulary used in the colloquies inside and outside of the virtual environment. Author has plenty of information regarding this issue. Terms of English origin, as email, chat, to hacker, homepage and download, before restricted to the specialized users of the Internet, already consist in dictionaries of the Portuguese language. The influence of the Internet in the Portuguese language is very bigger of what only the contribution to vocabular. Environments of communication virtual, as rooms of chat, msn and orkut are characterized for use of new variety of language Portuguese, repleta of abbreviations, slangs and emoticons (symbols that represents feeling), without respect to the norms ortogrficas. .