Jackson sees the one fact “Challenge for all market participants and requires an unbiased look with clean eyes”. Pointing out that temporary work have for example, a puffernde and protective effect for the employees in the customer company, what had become clear especially in the crisis. The shortage is a challenge that we must meet at global and local levels. Fewer and fewer people entering the work world, and these people we are not witnessing, bring not the skills required by companies”, as Jackie continues. What hardly anyone suspect: manpower assume already important tasks in this area and qualify employees, and applicants for the demands of the market. The acute problem in the world’s largest economies is the lack of skilled workers. We have a miss-match qualifications do not meet the requirements of companies.

It will be necessary to adopt a strategic migration policy to win mobile workers and the To address staff shortages,”Jackie analyses the situation. There was a risk that the shortage of workers and infrastructure projects could hamper and can slow national growth. Countries should strive for a policy that reduces barriers to migration and facilitates the necessary immigration and economic growth. In a question-answer forum Martin O’Malley was the first to reply. Trained professionals should there are available, where they are needed”, so Jeffrey A. Joerres. Demographic change four trends in the world of work, with which manpower dealt extensively in the words of its CEO are coupled with the shortage of skilled, informed request of applicants for more individuality, a progressive technological development to technological revolutions, as well as better and networked customers.

Who have the right to participate in the next few years, must deal today with the future. The possibilities offered by social networks for example, are still not available for many companies. You here to support, we also see as our task.” Manpower increasingly align its business on consulting expertise, to establish itself as a strategic partner for its customers. At the same time to reinforce the Division of higher skilled workers and specialists. A key position comes to the German market, outside the United States we can expected to record the highest growth rate in Germany”, says the CEO of Manpower Inc. Furthermore, it is important to demonstrate the importance of the personal services industry for the location Germany: manpower will allow for a new workplace around 35,000 people in Germany in 2010. There will always be people without a job. The question facing us, is: how we them again in a new employment? Jackson spelled out the possibility that offers flexibility through temporary work, the employers can help the economic growth”. The recruitment agency manpower focuses on innovative Staffing solutions, the customers and candidates offer a high added value. “Jackie: we focus on sustainable business, and our customers as well as flexibility by we create jobs, fostering potential, far-reaching human-resources services offer, they need to secure their future.”