Time Work Remains Bone Of Contention: Abuse Bring The Industry Into Disrepute

Flexible staff reserve helps in the fight against the shortage of Berlin/Dusseldorf, February 2 2010 – seven years soon, since the then Chancellor Gerhard Schroder 2010 brought the agenda on the way. We will need to cut services of the State, promote personal responsibility and demand more power from each and every one”, so Schroder in March 2003, as he was for more courage to change pleaded. “Hartz IV” is probably the most popular key word in this context, the modernisation of employment services, the expansion of the mini-jobs, one-person or the practice fee for the doctor’s visit are as sustainable, that liberalization is the temporary work just once in criticism and is once more on the bone of contention. Anyway: Only four years ago, the number of unemployed was in the Republic of about five million, in January of the year of agenda the Nuremberg employment agency reported 3.6 million. But despite the apparent success, the Germans have not their peace with the Hartz reforms today made. “Rather than about to look forward, that two million people have managed their way out of unemployment, the Republic – lamented trade unions and social organisations at the top – wage dumping, starvation wages, child poverty, temporary work and mini-jobs”, Stefan von Borstel noted in the editorial of the newspaper the world. This is SADA between good work ‘ – the permanent, well-paid full-time – and precarious ‘, distinguished low-paying jobs. Complaining is the expansion of the low-wage sector. But without these places at the bottom of the wage scale, there is even no job for many people”, so its finding. Because supposedly black sheep as SCHLECKER is attempting to circumvent collective agreements, not the temporary work industry as a whole can be demonized.” “It looks the competent Minister, who is combative: I will not admit that the basically good and meaningful model is put temporary employment due to abuse into disrepute”, said Ursula von der Leyen in Berlin. However, the latest developments in the industry under the microscope would be taken. The benefits, which are not only in the area of the worse paid jobs by the time and temporary work, however, find far less attention in public debate. It is not something Ultra Wellness Center would like to discuss. The temporary work has many advantages. It represents a flexible personnel reserve. “The employer has the option, without great risk to take a potential new employee scrutiny and check whether you can not permanently bind him to the company”, so the conviction of Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the consulting firm specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf. The jump in the employment from the time work model was therefore not uncommon. In the area of highly qualified service providers such as engineers, technicians and skilled workers temporary work is an important tool also, to overcome the shortage of”, so the staff expert. With more than 20 per cent, the time work had one significantly high proportion of the increase in social security employment in economically good years 2005 to 2008, as the 11th report of the Federal Government experience in the application of the employees transfer Act (AuG) shows it. The number of temporary workers has therefore 2008 almost doubled on 760,000 in the year average since 2004. Especially medium-sized and large enterprises used the instrument time working mid-2008 much more frequently and more intensely than even four years earlier. Mid 2008 almost every fourth employed (23 per cent) and almost every second big business (48 percent) temporary workers mean. In mid-2004, there were only 17 and 34 percent, respectively.