The fact that the employment of multi-channel numbers are losing part of calls, and, even more dangerous, there is no way of knowing how many subscribers lost. It may be that, having multi-channel number, the company accepts only 10-15% of incoming calls on advertising, and other potential clients come to signal "busy". For more information see John Mclaughlin. Sall-center to avoid such a situation. Work with subscribers to the waiting line First of all call-center managers and call-center operators can access information in real time on the set of parameters that indicate how sall center to cope with stress. This is the number of calls in queue, the maximum waiting time, average talk time, and others in the international practice includes such basic indicators as the average waiting time – shows how much time the average caller had to wait in line to the junction with call-center operator, the percentage of calls, callers interrupted while waiting. Normal level is 2-3%. To meet the needs of management level of service is calculated every half hour, and for the client – for each week or month the project. As the foreign statistics, the likelihood that the caller hangs up, rises sharply after two minutes of waiting. Sall-center managers can quickly reallocate between operators groups, to increase the number of operators for the next shift, or to think about connecting additional lines and increasing the number of operators. We also know that subscribers are willing to wait longer in line if they are periodically report how much time is left to wait, or provide the ability to select and listen to the recorded information.