Every time they are plus the voices that postulate the necessity to change the change of social and economic model. The necessity that change comes from the taking of brings back to consciousness of the importance of the decisions and action that we realised each of us, in our daily life, with our money is to have Conciencia of the Money like element that serves the life. Money and Brings back to consciousness is " To watch, To recognize, To honor, To take and To loosen the Money with the total one Bring back to consciousness of which we will affect the life of many people, we know or no. to it. This subject closely is bound with the previous article: " Systemic money: The price of the Dinero" , only that in the present I try that DES tells you that not only is enough with Watching backwards To recognize from where the Money comes that you receive to make a good use of him. It is necessary to watch the present and forwards in the time it stops to have the total one Brings back to consciousness of which our Money, that we put in circulation every day, it has and it will have an effect in is those who it receiving in the future. It is the Money Systemic and It brings back to consciousness.
Perhaps when you pay to an article or service, it is not happened to think to you to where she will stop your money. When you trust your money and your savings to some bank, investment fund, etc. You have asked yourself sometimes will use how it and in what will invest for darte the yields that you look for or delays to it? You know why and where it will be used? It will be destined to a noble cause? , To create more viable businesses? , It will help to improve the economic situation of a community, family, individual? , It will be invested in humanitarian projects? , It will give a sustenance to a family? , It will allow to realise its dreams to receive that it? Preguntarte this is to have it brings back to consciousness of that your Money is Systemic: To whom it serves your money? Several people who have asked this previously have forged banks whose objective is to arrange the economic benefits with the social benefits and environmental, they are known like ethical banks (sad that it must to them distinguish of the others by this term) and although they are of small size, work perfectly well according to experts in the subject.