COPARGO is called the ten most frequently asked questions around the topic of project management of Dreieich, 31.01.2011. By the same author: Dr. Mark Hyman. Who, how, what why, why, why? Project management is a very complex issue, which raises many questions. COPARGO GmbH, specializing in project management with PRINCE2, has now put together the ten frequently asked questions about project management based on numerous expert chats and more than 300 carried out training. In advance of projects aimed at the improvement of project work the same questions repeatedly in companies. In my opinion this is because that knowledge to a real management of projects in Germany is still not widespread.

In particular to a decision for such an endeavour to prepare the correct answers should be so as quickly as possible. “So these can be faster start and the objectives designed benefit-oriented and be achieved”, says Oliver Buhr, Managing Director of COPARGO. These are the frequently asked questions about project management: When do you need project management? Who should be engaged in an enterprise project management? What makes project management really effective? How much does it cost to project management? Why do you need a project management method? What software is required for project management? How do I know does my project management as well? How to become a project manager? Why PRINCE2? Can you test the best-practice method PRINCE2 obligation? The answers to the ten common questions about project management can free under… be obtained. COPARGO GmbH: The COPARGO GmbH is exclusive project management with PRINCE2 consulting firm and a leading provider of PRINCE2 training. COPARGO supports its customers in the use of project management and provides all necessary services from implementation consulting and training to the tool selection.

COPARGO seminars are characterized by a high percentage of practice in the training. All theoretical content are transferred to a practical project examples in everyday life. The implementation is in the Project significantly lighter and more knowledge is thus permanently propagated and applied. In addition, the seminars are always up to date. So, COPARGO offers training on basis of PRINCE2 since August 2009:2009 map and gives a detailed overview of changes and news in the special upgrade training.

24-Hour home care rather than nursing home? How have you made the night of your life? Would you rather spend it within your own four walls, where you have many memories of your children, family life and happy birthdays, or want to go to a retirement home, where you are surrounded by strange and old people? A German proverb says that a father can feed five children, five children not a father. This proverb is true also in the area of care for the elderly. Add to your understanding with Martin O’Malley. If a parent is reliant, find it usually very difficult family members, to assume the care itself, because the spouse, children and the working life consume a great deal of time. But how is this compatible with a dignified retirement of the parent? Retirement homes bring some benefits, such as a professional care, age-based beds, a general furniture, which is designed for old people, chefs, which take care of the creature comforts and a number of recreational activities. However, homes are still not popular. Old people feel here often with other old corralled and turned off to die.

The nurses are often overwhelmed with the amount of care and the entire nursing home is understaffed for cost reasons. In addition, reasonably comfortable homes are very expensive. The long-term care insurance payments by far not sufficient so that the family legacy and usually much, much more for a satisfactory housing is required. This circumstance be charged not only the members of the family, but also increasingly lose the care recipient who are feeling more and more as a burden as a result and therefore the will to live. A domestic care is cheaper, comes with more panache and helps to keep the to carers in their homes. The alternative to a nursing home is a professional caregiver from Eastern Europe. This move into the home of your parents and to guarantee as a 24-hour care. These women see their homeland despite technical Training a fair paid job and come to Germany, because here more and more old people must be supervised by fewer and fewer young people.

Such a caregiver costs usually between 1,500-2,000 and allows your family to remain in their familiar environment. Here they feel comfortable, know each other and know the neighbors. A as far as an independent and dignified life as possible enables by the heavy things of everyday life for them to be done. The current trend is clearly away from nursing homes and to the personal care home. Around 70% of the currently stands at 2.5 million care comes to enjoy of this luxury. This is mainly because a single nurse has plucking legend, which is responsible only to him. As a result, a personal bond can arise and quickly overcome the initial feeling of charm. The nurse can take time to play board games with your family members together to cook or to read together. A friendship can arise and provide new life energy. In addition, money is saved, so that the family not zerstreitet because of the care and the beloved parent raises no financial problems and in his skin can feel also.

Never again garbage! Broker from Hamburg ensures power leads now, 01.02.2010 – the market for address records of customer acquisition is less flooded currently leads to poor quality. This is because many service providers are trying, even business contacts from dubious sources such as online sweepstakes to win. Reputable brokers require new approaches the image of the agencies, the leads on the Internet generate, is seriously damaged by such business practices”, worries Ulrich Iven, formerly CEO at Financescout24 and now Managing Director of power leads. Often half of selling leads wouldn’t are viable.” Together with his partner Oliver Hanke, who has worked for many years in the financial services industry, has developed a new approach to iven, the generation of leads for the first time clear quality standards. Quality guarantee for business contacts for the customer this means: only if a lead successfully the strict five-point check by Power leads has undergone this lead is also sold. You could call that also the TuV for leads, because every single contact is checked by phone and personally? and both on validity and quality”, Oliver explains Hanke. Lead quality inspection by power leads: 1 address check 2 person examination 3.

contact data checking 4. product interest 5. contact readiness are all of these five criteria clearly met, a lead given the official seal of approval. “Reputable brokers benefit will this lead-TuV” of Germany’s leading lead agency of power leads demand not only from reputable brokers, but also by other financial service providers. Thus the Hamburger are once again setting standards and ensure far-reaching transparency on the market. Shopping security is of great importance for smaller brokerage firms. “Because they can not afford simply to buy garbage”, emphasized Ulrich Iven. Because whether a lead the necessary Comply with quality, the broker noted unfortunately only at the contact.

But until then, he has invested quite a lot of money and time. It is even more annoying, if he must realize that this contact for him is worthless. Should lead MOT duty bars are Dr. Christoph by Knapp, marketing solutions confirmed bridges in Hamburg: only with highly qualified leads and according to highly qualified centres more attractive business models can be developed. 100 percent reliable call permissions, as well as a cleaner and more transparent for the customer checkout process must be after latest court decisions based on these business models!” The new seal of approval can be purchased from power leads under prufsiegel@powerleads.

The success is dependent on the sales area, particularly by the quality of the staff. A good ongoing sales is essential for any business. Both the use of CRM software is gaining at the acquisition of new customers, as also the care of the regulars here. In Bulgaria, it is however difficult to find qualified personnel, which is open to such new ways. The entry into a new market is always an exciting task. Coming between the home base of a company and the country that would like to open this up for its products and services, plus a greater cultural barrier, the demands on staff employed increase significantly. Because of the new employees must identify with the culture of the company, as well as with its customers. This simple logic in particular applies in areas such as sales.

Because here, in many cases, an established trust relationship between supplier and customer decides on the duration and intensity of the business relationship. Bulgaria is joined in 2007 of the EU and no one will deny the country in South-East of Europe that it is European. Compare with Germany but the mentality differences are significant. This must be taken into account in the recruitment in Bulgaria. Sales staff then bring the best services if it allows them freedom – and thus renounces control. So important is that already in the selection of new employees for the sales in Bulgaria, whether Bulgarians or expats, now on their qualification, but above all to ensure their motivation. To do this, the involvement of a specialized personnel consultancy is, who knows the local conditions.

And also Bulgarian companies that reach often no longer sufficiently qualified applicants on their job postings, access to external service providers, in particular when it comes to the cast of highly qualified key positions in sales, it is in Bulgaria without an in-depth knowledge of the market very difficult, from the relatively manageable range of personnel, to the It is available to be able to fill a vacancy. And if then still mastering a specific CRM software requirements be included in the job profile, then the complexity of recruitment is increasing again and competent support is inevitable. Although the described problems in other countries such as Germany are visible. The Bulgarian labour market is however not in Western European countries to compare – highly qualified and motivated specialists and executives are rar sowed. And many “high potentials” also pulled it in the past in other countries. The search can prove in circumstances so very difficult.