The Truth will know to arrive at the heart of that the wait. The first one to have of each one of us is, in the truth, and forever, our proper regeneration, and to this regeneration the traditional teachings antiquus lead in them, if we know to reveal the necessary zeal in our workmanships and the perseverance. The temptations for footpath that we follow are numerous, the falls, 0ccasional, and the doubt, Periodic. Everything this is inherent to the nature human being, and is enough to resist, mainly preventing mirages that they show in them habitually, for times, the intolerncia, the egoism, or the habit. These teachings antiquus contains what it is at the same time necessary and enough, utensils whose convenient use and intent it allows to reach in safe way the objective that searchs with sincerity that one that is ready ; it is a footpath, that contains everything for that, ‘ ‘ exceeding of itself mesmo’ ‘ , accepted to cover it. THE GATES HAD BEEN OPENED THE DOMAIN IS AHEAD OF> ! they salutem punctis trianguli . , Is encouraging, is exactly apaziguante, to know that nothing is left to perhaps, and that the uncommon meeting show, in contrast, that everything is order and method in a perfectly organized Universe. For that, as much how much I, when reading this narrative to hear the vibrant sound of the Truth, then, that the same one is a message of hope that will illuminate its way! Of one and another one, I continue my way, not losing of congregated sight that we are in one same one travel, that whose experiences, penalty and joys we share together.
In it, we have each one, our meeting, small and/or great; jewels are of our way a footpath whose sign is, forever: to serve pax profundis . References: R ‘ . ‘ B ‘ . ‘