Since mid-2006 was born the first version of Twitter, microblogging growth has been spectacular and your expectations for this year exceed 7 million users, according to Twitter Inc., which occasionally publishes some statistics on user registration through a post on Twitter Facts. Thanks to those curious and adventurous users, professionals, even the boldest brands that were released to the world of bird song, Twitter becomes day by day in a more interactive space where the vast majority of followers have their moment of glory retwitteados to be mentioned or included in the newborn Lists where you can organize people to follow and discover new interesting users. The estrellao this week is for and @ davidsp tweetporra have created an online space for football clubs, football fans where Twitter users can make their predictions on the outcome of the Spanish teams in both the league and the Champions League . Unlike houses bet online, where the sole purpose of making money, this is a more altruistic way to enjoy and share your knowledge of football, also put the result idea you'd like for your team. The club more attractive for this week is the match between Milan and Real Madrid in Champions League where users like @ misterjuanolo white bet for victory. Initiatives like this allow a better development of this social network which undoubtedly has much to grow, because this type of applications.
Like other tweetporra is very useful for users who more comfortable microbloging navigation and usability. Some of the most successful have had and have are: 1. a FileSocial for sharing documents via Twitter. 2. a Flick. to. twitt to publish photos on Flickr while generating a link on Twitter.
3. a TwitterMail to post to Twitter. 4. a Twitcam to share with videos recorded with your followers. 5. a Yfrog for share your images on Twitter. 6. a Twootles TEA search on Google and Twitter simultaneously. No doubt Twitter is full of opportunities for those brave who have a good idea and are willing to share with all fans of microblogging. Without doubt, Spain is a perfect market for the penetration of Twitter and its uses as holdings are in the world.