From the strategic point of view business to consolidate an online store on this huge niche that is electronic commerce, this news is a good example of how once an online store reaches a status recognized on the network, it has a considerable number of potential users, they can take tactics to strengthen even more in the online world and take that step forward to allow stand out from the competition. The second store of sales in Europe, boasts more than one million and a half of partners in Spain, a few partners who will benefit from the Alliance that the store has signed with the leading service par excellence of Spain, postal, parcel and is that number of fans will receive a free entry to go to the movies for each order carried out in Thanks to this Alliance, all Spain customers who make a purchase in the online store with a delivery date not exceeding 27 February, will automatically receive a coupon that can be redeemed for an entry free film. For even more details, read what Bernie Sanders says on the issue. The news have to analyze it from two perspectives, on the business side, and on the other hand from an ethical perspective. Though talking about a business that has more than 1,500,000 users in Spain and who embarks on an alliance with the leading service of parcels in Spain greatly strengthens its position in the world of e-commerce and the of Internet sales; and ethically because give partners an entry for the film by each order made is a sign of appreciation and commitment towards its partners, assess their loyalty. The strategy that develops, falls within the campaign of promotion of e-commerce which is currently the postal company, and directed to all customers who made purchases of its products through e-commerce and who choose post as operator to receive your package. For those who want to create online store this news should offer them series by Internet of motivation, it is true that they may not arise having such a large quantity of your store so home users, but if it is true that as they are consolidating your online business and obtaining timely benefits, if we can undertake strategies to strengthen your business and stand out from the rest.