Constantly distracted by the current, current affairs and not paying attention to the long term, many people were not prepared for the financial crisis. Rising unemployment and falling incomes adversely affect their psyches. In times of financial crisis, many people are at risk of total lack of money, since, contrary to the logic tend to spend more than an economically stable future. One of the main causes of ill-considered spending – depression. Especially women use shopping as a kind of anesthetic negative feelings and depression.

And during the financial crisis does not save, but instead begin to treat their own savings more secure. Another reason for reckless spending is, paradoxically, the desire to save money. Seasonal discounts through which sellers facilitate the content of our wallets. Think for a moment, would buy you all these things if you did not fall on the eyes bright with numbers indicating the percentage discount? Constant reckless spending in the shops and impulsive purchases lead to financial problems, family conflict, emotional stress, depression and loss of dignity. But during the financial crisis emotions become the most dangerous enemy. To really become a true master of money, a person must learn manage them.

If you are not financially literate, you can not understand the many processes that are not visible to the naked eye. Using our guidelines for competent management of money, you need not fear for their no money during the financial crisis, nor a stable future. 1. Top tips for managing money during a financial crisis 2. Think about how realistic your budget is allocated for agriculture. 3. Compare prices stores located in your neighborhood, and buy, where cheaper, ie, smaller margin. 4. Change your attitude towards everyday purchases. See US telecom for more details and insights. Discard those that are superfluous. 5. Always makes a shopping list before than go to the supermarket. 6. Do not try to buy products only known, advertised brands. Any number of counterparts, and not the fact that they are worse. At the same time, the analogues are usually much lower price. 7. Necessarily Check the check received by the cashier. Keep your receipts to verify how efficiently you're farming. 8. Give up the impulse buys, the desire to implement that arose suddenly, and not premeditated. Useful tips for managing money during a financial crisis for novice investors. 1. Define its strategic, long-term goals and do not depart from them. The financial crisis, which is characterized by short, can not threaten your long-term goals. 2. Give yourself a financial reserve. In order to calculate the exact amount of your financial reserve, take the amount of your monthly expenses and multiply it by six (the number of months during which you would like to be able to not work) 3. Intelligently diversify an investment portfolio. Diversification – notably the reduction of risks of an investment portfolio. 4. Follow others, such as Rusty Holzer, and add to your knowledge base. Invest regularly. Regular investments to protect the saved money to market failures. 5. Your personal financial plan to change only on the basis of life-changing, in any case no market. 6. Do not panic. and then the results of the financial crisis will not be sad.

Even if the blog will trample the people still have it on special target audience, but on curious onlookers or “clubbers” a lot of money does not get it. But when you choose a narrow niche of people, of course, will be less, but it will be those most relatives. And yet, one of the finest pearls, VS Chernomyrdin: “Better be the head of a fly ass than an elephant.” I wish to say that there are so densely scored a niche with a bunch of strong and already entrenched competitors, which is 99% there You can count on you to become an “elephant’s ass.” Much better to find a niche or at least a clear competitive advantage where you can become a “head flies.” 2) Do not logical structure, the lack of lines. In principle this item the logical continuation of the previous one. A wide range of themes, create chaos in the end it turns out not blog about … Today, people came to read about promotion in the network, comes two days – there is information about the Exchange Forex, which he was not interested in generally, a week post on the general theme of the left well etc. Speaking candidly Diamond Comic Distributors told us the story. The reader who first came to the blog written and captivating, expects that the interests of his subjects will be developed, and very likely he will not regular readers and potential customers, if faced with a mass left for his information.

All that is written – is exactly about me, but I’ve already come to pass -). 3) No plan, no clear vision of the blog. Actually, I think any business without a plan is doomed to failure, it is important for both off-line and online businesses. So, before you start, draw a plan for development and keep it in mind. It should be a list of topics which will be covered, quantity and quality of entries, estimated timetable for publication. In general, a kind of charter of a blog. Such a simple thing that solves a lot of serious problems – can follow the line, do not adhere to the periodicity and much more valuable. Who has no plan, no money earns, except that a few dollars a month on Google AdSense.

But on the other hand, is solid and inconvenience for you, and for its neighbors, and for households. In addition, your willingness to work both day and night all quickly become accustomed – and it will turn you from human protein in wheel. Erasing the line between work and leisure – a direct way to stress and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is necessary to you? What should I do? When visitors come to your home, discuss your schedule with those whom it may concern – with household or neighbors. Your work should not disturb anyone. And not to turn into that same protein, pre-decide for yourself how much work and what time you can do. Speak it with the employer, if he is – and not exceed its limit.

do not disturb! "I will not be a mother-malicious, I will spend time with their children and not reduce education to test lessons over the phone. And my husband will start to communicate more. "Experience has shown that these rosy dreams will not come true. Kids and chores at home will inevitably make adjustments in your plans. And – get annoying. Imagine this: you finish an urgent project, we must focus, and my child wore shoes for tap and in an ecstasy of learning to another step sequence.

And frankly do not understand what you are angry. The hardest thing – to explain the home, even if you do not drive every day in the office, it does not mean that you can pull over trifles. What should I do? Get ready for first, to hear from others sarcastically like "difficult to be a freelancer, but still better than working." With the household must hold a conversation, explain the features of the new schedule, and bring to their understanding that the work at home does not mean that you automatically turn into a housewife, and all efforts at home only to fall on you. No, no, no! The case of jobs involving all hands there is a sense prepare the plate "Do not disturb" and put it on the table – as a signal for others.

In early May, the company InterVebs launched a unique project – the directory of virtual 3D-tour i-VT. To date, this directory has no analogues in Russia and provides the opportunity for a full presentation of services tourism company without leaving your office. Working with i-VT reduces the visual information search in the presence of the client. Virtual tour creates "presence effect" and its function – assistance in selecting the site, which will host long-awaited vacation, conference or business trip. What are the main benefits of being a company that acquires the right to use the catalog? First of all, the travel company will be able to show customers are not staged photo, but the real virtual tours: it will allow customers to "roam" on hotels or homes, look around and see what awaits them and where they are going to actually. Further details can be found at Michael Chabon, an internet resource. The project includes more than 200 rounds, and the base constantly updated with new objects. Opportunity to demonstrate the virtual tour – an advantage at the stage of a telephone conversation with a potential client, the motivation for office visits and personal conversation with sales manager.

Catalogue i-VT is not available to ordinary users online, view virtual tours client can only sales office. In addition, the company that has access to use the catalog, there opportunity to introduce new staff up to date without expensive advertising tours – with hotels, and hotels, they will be made available in 3D. And most importantly, the catalog includes a collection of virtual tours of homes, bases recreation and ski resorts in Russia. In addition, in late May, the company plans to launch a 3D-tours in Turkey. Get more information about the directory and read the list of proposed tour is possible on site. In Under "About" You can also view samples of virtual tours.

It should be noted that even to overlook the mere perception of an exhibitor or his stand because it has perhaps taken a light design of the neighbors, the attention, can influence the success. By choosing the right stand size and shape, the issuing company employs mostly alone and will try to build their own economic power, meaning and direction, as key decision parameters haben.Doch from now on, be fair and trade show consulting asked. Among more than 1,500 construction firms fair, we must select three vendors that can provide with their designs, the exhibitors, the best framework. No easy task when the market is not very well equipped kennt.Mit careful instructions, can now move to a possible creative team to work to design a booth, bear colors and equipment and the customer with its exhibits, as in scene to put that at the end of a solution is available. This task is performed by architects and designers, who with dedication and experience to be equipped so that their work is a sense of achievement. Finally, it is also here, in the Exhibition, the competition, the hurdle that must be overcome.

The exhibition budget of the customer sets limits to be considered in material and human resources. And there remains some good idea, but unrealized, even if they really great war. Then down at the end of all creativity and arithmetic, the job, it works at the shopping that needs to procure the material. Here again, art is in demand. The search for specific materials and the ability to buy cheap, art dealers, often requires a lot of patience and Fantasie.Wenn then, days before the fair, the artisans with fair planning and building material, fill the halls, art and skill again at work. For anyone who has ever built something, and if only the electric train or a piece of furniture out of the house with the Moose, who knows “something is always”. Whether it is a material error, the previously overlooked or a part that was simply forgotten, it can in the short time available, will not be replaced just once. So must be improvised at times and in such good that is resolved at the end of the small errors for each invisible. But do not worry, most everything is so perfectly organized and the craftsmen are experienced in such a way that determines to your stand, everything is going well.