Larisa Alexandrovna Seklitovoy

Nostradamus, like a prophet, describes the many events that after his death affected the lives of millions of people. This includes a description of the 1917 revolution, the creation and collapse of the Soviet Union, development of the atomic bomb – and it's only a small part of his predictions. It is striking that each prediction is located depending on the year of its implementation. How can a person living in a distant and dark 16 th century, to give an exact how to create tanks and airships? It is a gift or a punishment? Nostradamus made this their ability and create great works, which became the "bible" for many of us. Numerous researchers have devoted themselves to interpreting centuriae Nostradamus.

Each work makes us think about the future of mankind, and deserves, no doubt, of great respect. The name of Michel Nostradamus, the French seer, a physician, alchemist, known for its ambiguous predictions, today's hearing, even those who never really was interested in prophecies, astrology and other mysteries of the universe. The creative legacy of Nostradamus includes several thousand quatrains (quatrains) with the predictions of the future until the end of the world. More pages are devoted to deciphering and criticism of his creations. His predictions sometimes remarkably accurate, but sometimes the true meaning is revealed only after the prophecy has come true. Explanation of his prophecies is to this day. Names Ludmila Leonovny Strelnikova and Larisa Alexandrovna Seklitovoy now familiar today to many of our countrymen. This contactees highest level to devote his life to high-end development of awareness of the humanity of his divine nature, contact with higher intelligence.