It can seem insignificant, but he is very precious! The time! The time that is dedicated to the descent as much euphoria to have them and later is what it is seen does not have time for giving the due attention to them! It repairs in this scene: a child arrives at the foot of its mother, washed in tears, grasping its ursinho preferred with a hand and other insurance one bracinho of its bear, that if ripped. Perhaps the will of the mother is to laugh, devaluating that situation, saying to the son that it purchase another one. However it would not be case for laughs. That situation, to the eyes of the child was very serious. Therefore it was right to the mother in who trusts, waiting some solution on the part of it. A mother who takes in consideration the feelings of a son goes to give equal or superior attention what it she is to afflict. In this in case that even though simple estragos in the child toys, saying to it that it will go to decide its problem. In this in case that specific, sewing bracinho of the bear. ATTENTION! If not it will be able to decide the problem in that instant, guarantees that it will go to decide it as soon as to it will be able, fulfilling with what it promised! Acting always in such a way, its son will go growing trusting itself!