The House Purchase And The Good Financing To Buy The House

Who wants to buy a house, always thinking, which is a good financing for it. Usually one does not have the money saved up to pay cash for buying a house. There are many financing options. One can conclude for example, a home savings contract. The sooner that you do before buying a house, the better. For the Treaty must fulfill a building a certain waiting period. In a proportion of equity is paid, which will bear interest at a certain percentage. After the agreed term credit is available, which is very favorable when it is used to buy for the house. But also for renovation, modernization, or about purchasing a new kitchen can use a savings agreement. Another financing option to buy a house, is the traditional bank loans. Here, the bank, requested in connection with development banks and similar public institutions in order to get a loan. Disadvantage is a major higher eradication, through compound interest and fees will often be 1.5 times theoriginal purchase price as a refund due. The best financing for the desire to want to buy a house, is the so-called advance loans. This one has) the opportunity (for a small surcharge to the current favorable interest rate for home equity loans and buying a house back for future projects. This means we now conclude a credit agreement, the loan amount will be paid at a later date, or about 1 to 5 years later. Only then will start the repayment of the advance loan. It is called the loan and forward loans. This form of lending, there are only grundbuchmig guaranteed loans for real estate financing. Advantage is its long duration, and therefore mortgage term of at least 25 years, compared to a conventional bank loan, which is calculated at 10 years and then re usually the market rate is adjusted. Purchase loans for house purchase a house or a desire to want to be offered not only by the banks or building, but alsoof insurance. Even the above-mentioned advance loans, whereby a certain amount of money saved over a fixed period and later, together with interest and compound interest used for the eradication is one of them. Roger Schmidt, Anti-Spam Ihh-Maihl: Tarrega dot hhtt gmx dot com Homepage: