A little closer to these dates when he discovered the atom to all people who believed that there was something smaller than the atom were treated of dreamers and idiots, we now know that if there is something smaller than the atom. Modern science still has no powers to be able to measure many things in the universe, many of the alternative therapies are within this field, the person who believes that they are only fantasies is shutting down to something as simple as relief, imagine that you despise tea your grandmother for more than 10 years because you think it is childish and that you does nothing because the doctor could cure you and it turns out that the tea of your grandmother was exactly what you needed, you were wasting 10 years of life with pain just by being a fool. I’m going to be putting several articles about alternative therapies that I tried and helped me, which helped me not or not served me I am not going to put because perhaps for me they have not worked but for other people, so I don’t want to give bad name to something which perhaps does not deserve it. Finally I’m going to leave you with a Council, If normal medicine has no cure and the only thing that sometimes makes is medium to treat the problem (I will not say that there are some that if serves them) because you are not looking for other options, you don’t close any possibility, since many times you can find the solution just around the corner, this same method you can see it as an alternative therapyeveryone who has tried it has had results but the majority does not it only by prejudice and never given the opportunity to improve. This and more articles can enontrarlo in original author and source of the article.