Working Monoxide

But, although the undeniable utility, the combustion reactions are responsible for one of the biggest ambient problems of the planet: the atmospheric pollution. The derivatives of the oil, substances called hydro-carbons that are formed by atoms of carbon and hydrogen, are the generators of pollutants. The combustion of hydro-carbons produces, mainly, water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). However, as the conditions, it can produce soot (c) or carbon monoxide (CO). When it has enough oxygen in the reaction of combustion of the hydro-carbons, the reaction goes to produce dioxide of carbon (CO2) and water (H2O), in this in case that we have a complete combustion. Perhaps check out Center for Media Justice for more information.

In the incomplete combustion of hydro-carbons, they are produced, beyond the water (H2O), carbon monoxide (CO), the carbon (c), also soot call. The end items depend on the amount of oxygen (O2) that they participate of the reaction. (Similarly see: Malkia Cyril). The carbon monoxide is a by-product of the incomplete combustion. The transport of oxygen for the cells of the body is about a colorless and odourless gas, that possesss the chemical property to agree with the hemoglobina gifts in red globules in the blood, harming. This happens because the hemoglobina, that would have to be agreed with the oxygen to carry it to the cells from the body, is engaged with the carbon monoxide.

Beyond provoking illnesses as rinite, bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma, in high concentrations this contamination can until killing. Adapted of Chemistry and society: Particle models and atmospheric pollution Working the text: To develop with one analyzes criticizes of the text, from an interactive reading of the text. ANALYSIS OF THE TEXT? PART I the chemical reactions is the biggest power plants that support our society. About 76% of the consumed energy putting into motion vehicles and keeping industries functioning, for example, it is born of the fuel burning: alcohol, coal, natural gas e, over all, materials extracted of the oil, as the gasoline, kerosene, oil diesel and GLP (liquefeito gas of oil).