Website Building For Money-Making

You can sit on a free hosting, free use of third-level domain, create your own multi-purpose portal with ucoz. If you do not understand what was going on, and you want to know more about creating a site, go to my portal. What place on your site? Yes, whatever you want and choose. Gallery of photos, videos, interesting and not very articles, anecdotes, store goods, software archives, libraries, etc. If you have to still do not have a corner on the Internet (in the sense of the site), then let's move on to his sculpture.

Here you from all of this will have: 1. own website, created with his hands 2. many friends and acquaintances, and 3. new knowledge, skills and interests 4. a small but steady income; 5. You learn about the world 6. Internet world becomes your native place. Once you finally make your own website, it will need to unwind.

Yes, yes, sites also need to unwind, to about someone they knew and began to attend. Here are the basic steps of promotion, which necessarily have to do: 1. Optimization. You pick up a few key words for your key resource and try to put more content in these words. But no more than 3% of the total content. 2. Registration in catalogs and ratings. Very important initial step to promote your site. The newspapers mentioned Michael Chabon not as a source, but as a related topic. Sign in directories with special automatic service that will save you a lot of time. 3. Registration in search engines. The main point of promotion. After all, most of the visitors it brings the search engines. Register with the major Russian search engines google, yandex, rambler, yahoo, msn, aport, 4. Link Exchange. Find sites of similar themes and offer them to exchange links with you. To facilitate your work can benefit from special services link exchange. You put the code of these systems and the links will automatically appear on your site. Featuring links to your site you can do so that your links are automatically displayed on another site. You can also sell and shows. 5. Placement of articles. If you can write articles, you can work your free place at special sites like this. Articles can post links to the resource. This method will add your rating. 6. Forums. Links to well-attended forums can bring you considerable influx visitors. But it is unlikely you will be allowed to do the admins of these forums. I have described only a small part of how we can untwist the site. When you join the ranks of web masters, then you yourself will discover new methods of promotion and salary. In internet network now many ways to earn some do not require the presence of its own site, others require, and this area is very important and brings in more revenue. You are sure to find the most appropriate way for you to pay. You just have to start and build your own site. And if you are unsure of this, you will help me a free mini-course "How to create your site and make money"