Many Twitter already thrilled how well Reiner Calmund, the former head of Bayer Leverkusen and now… Reiner Calmund makes it. Sascha Lobo long. The FDP also but only recently. And also companies that want to be present in the currently hyped social media network at all, namely Twitter, the tweeting with. Twitter marketing has become an important business factor. Because nothing is more important in the current situation, how to adapt to the latest trends. And thanks to the Medienhypes condensed to 140 characters communicate by mobile phone in the World Wide Web is migrated in Germany as well.

All calli was while leading his Twitterleidenschaft earned him great respect in the Yellow Press and can in the post into great marketing action be taken as. This marketing idea was followed by more prominent, then companies and ultimately even parties and voluntary organizations, et cetera. Who today not on Twitter, which can miss out on a potential business: Twitter marketing gives a future customers a Insight into the latest news in a business long short: 140 characters. The news is interesting enough, the customer visiting the Web page can be drawn: there then detailed information and great products to seduce him. Internet agencies have this development already longer in sight and therefore extends its portfolio: as well as the classic Web design or search engine optimization, also supporting marketing actions using Twitter can be booked at many agencies. Usually Twitter marketing is combined with a proprietary blog how to get as readers very quickly from the Tweed to the entire blog entry.

Was this entry posted in turn exciting, shared that his friends whenever possible in turn with the marketing element developed a certain life of its own. That is, of course, the appeal of this form of marketing: actions can be to a degree plan and calculate. Visit Yehoshua November for more clarity on the issue. Not predicted whether the Twitter community ultimately it jumps, and enough Twitterers follow a Tweed, can still be. It would be rather reckless because this risk to try but not. Tweet with us