Its heart is fascinated by the wealth? they overwhelm it to these as a encantamento? it is irresistible, and seducer. This person possesss a strong desire to reach corporeal properties or that they satisfy the love proper. It goes to be more interested in usufructing what the mundane life has to offer? culture, music, clothes etc. Michael Chabon: the source for more info. What it is more terrible are that they are these hearts that are inside of the Churches promoting the apostasia, the doctrinal shunting lines, to the shame of evangelho. Some until arrive to give fruit for a time, but its fruits never will ripen. 4. In good land ‘ ‘ but what it was sown in good land it is what it hears the word understands and it (they receive from good and straight heart, holds back the word); this bears fruit and produces the one hundred, the sixty and the thirty for um’ ‘. It corresponds to the type of heart of the believer.

A person characterizes who has a regenerated heart. The experience of the new birth lived. It receives the Word as it really is: divine inhaled. It holds back the Word and medita in its teachings. The Bible is precious for its life, therefore of faith in faith it goes conforming its image to the one of Christ, transforming its attitudes stops with the incredulous world. It understands the Christian life gradually, through the growth spiritual.

Persevera, continues, suffers the afflictions, the provaes looking at for Christ (Hb 12). What group characterizes its type of heart? If you if identified with the religious heart or mundane, she is come close to Christ with sincerity, has asked for the pardon of its sins it will receive the Salvation (Jo 3:16). But, if the Word already found good the ground of its heart, that our God is glorified with its life. Amen! The total or partial reproduction of the content of this article is allowed, since that the name of the author is mentioned and postado its link of origin.