The project was designed January 5, 2008 The first version of the searcher at the time was still quite primitive, to say the least, inconvenient. But as time goes on, and with it comes change. A few months after the release of search engine results was impressive in its volume of users and webmasters speed of getting into the issue of their sites! At the time of release were engaged in a search engine 2, the Administrator (in a network known as) 1. strel – Artem Strelnikov 2. Albert 14 – Albert Everyone had his duties strel (edistvenny now the owner and administrator) paid for the domain, hosting, developing new services, is promoting the projects 'in the light'. On the shoulders of Alberta were optimized of the search engine tweaks, design and much more By the way at the expense of design Design which is now our users have created an opportunity to contemplate the Albert Albert has created precisely the source of our design From this source and was born 2 design for our project ( for the Albert Project. Many interested in the question – 'Why should I create two search engine with one base, and similar design? " and 'Is there competition between you? " To which I (strel) answer – 'Each of us is full of ideas for the advancement and improvement of its search engines, creation of new services to them, and so on.
And we decided not to interfere with each other to implement their ideas and plans. As a result, we decided to split, and Now everyone is on their own search engine. But we do not split up for good, we only work in different ways. We continue to work together and to think about how to improve our search engines! And later, almost all that you will see our projects will be the result of our collaboration!