The perception most global in this direction alone was perceived from years 70 in particular 1972 with Conference of United Nations on Human Environment in Estocolmo, where it approached the studies of the ambient preservation of form more including as deforestation, construction of dams, job of nuclear energy and excess of the fuel use acquiring relevance and international validity. It enters the recommendations of the approved plan of Action in Estocolmo, has detached the directed one to the Organization of United Nations for the Education, Science and the Culture (UNESCO), as it demonstrates to the recommendation n 96, in the direction to make the necessary consultations for the establishment of an International Program of Educao Ambiental (PIEA):
Of approach to interdisciplinar and with pertaining to school and extra-pertaining to school character, that involves all the education levels and if it directs I publish to it in general, young and adult indistinctly, with sights to teach the simple measures to them that, inside by its possibilities, they can take to command and control its half one (BRAZIL, 2000, 20) In 1975, the Letter of Belgrade praised the necessity of a new ethics global, capable to promote the eradication of the poverty, the hunger, it illiteracy, of the pollution, the exploration and the domination human being; as well as it criticizes the development of a country in detriment of another one stimulating development forms where it benefits to all the humanity. Get more background information with materials from Former Maryland Governor. Brazil also initiates the studies in this exactly period with bigger emphasis in the on Environment and Sustainable Development – Echo Rio/92 – where the public opinion and government starts if to mobilize for the question. The concept or thought that if had of preservation was restricted, whose proposals were directed and defended only by the capitalist countries with the intention to limit the development of the underdeveloped countries…