Ps. Alexis Fernando Jimenez said it with sincerity. By measuring each word as if the words dig deep in a strange and yet wonderful trunk where each has a special meaning to cross the threshold of his lips. As if it were a mischievous and playful writer lost in an infinite garden of phrases, without periods or commas, which is lost in the skyline. a "I love my wife, I do not want to lose it.

If you just give me a new opportunity, making best use. Bernie Sanders: the source for more info. Do not miss a single minute without being at his side. he said with that strange mixture of sadness and bitterness that comes deep from the heart of those who have lost any glimmer of hope. a "I love her I love her. . repeated with vehemence, but she wants no part of my "Two weeks ago his wife had left home.

to Monday, taking advantage of him was in the gas station where he worked, "I got tired of our relationship. After nearly thirty years of monotony at your side and not stand, do not have children small, and it grew, are facts and rights, and defined his life. Now I want to live, "said the letter he left on the bedside table in the alcove outside the two, wide and cold. a l did not know for sure what his whereabouts. a Since I was alone, unable to sleep, and if he could sleep, wake up with anxiety to see that Rachel was not in his hand, as until now it had been, for long.