It is normal that at each stage of a child’s growth their parents worry about providing all necessary attention and is also the case that as the child grows their parents have specific concerns, especially when it comes to small children. One of those important stages is when it is time to leave the crib. At that point many parents are faced with a challenge because front they have a huge variety of children’s furniture that makes it very difficult to choose the ideal. Often change from crib to bed also means the small moving to his own children’s room and for parents involves then major aspects considered that only the most appropriate bed purchase. Perhaps one of the greatest fears of all parents is the distance with the small and the danger that could happen something in his absence.

Fortunately today all children’s bedrooms can count on furniture suitable for children that you guarantee your safety. Of course it is necessary that these furniture are furniture children’s because only in this way you can be 100% sure that comply with all safety rules. There are several details that can give you an idea when it is time to make your child stop using your crib and starts to sleep in a bed. The first and foremost is when you notice your crib is not large enough for the small. Another clear sign that it is time to leave the crib is when the child’s chest agrees with the part of the horizontal top bar of the crib. In other cases, the moment is when the child can already climb the bars of the crib. That means a hazard for the child since at some point could fall. Once it has already been noted that it has time to make the change, will be the turn of thinking which bed is best for the child.