Renowned Advisory Board of the German standards choose the family-run company Kago ‘Brand of the century’. For the first time, the seal of approval on the family business of Kago from Postbauer-Heng was awarded in the category fireplace. “Postbauer-Heng, 26.10.2009 – prominent Publisher of German standards, Dr. Florian Langenscheidt and a jury consisting of influential representatives from business, science and media 2009 conferred the award on Thursday, the October 15, 2009 in the framework of the Frankfurt book fair brand of the century”. At the same time presented the new edition of the same customer. For the first time, the seal of approval on the family business of Kago from Postbauer-Heng was awarded in the category fireplace. The list of nominated companies reads by adidas to Zeiss like a ramble through the German entrepreneur history.
Among the total only 281 select brands that were portrayed in the latest edition for 2010, with their names for products and services are only such, made in Germany”stand. For almost 20 years, it acknowledges Award therefore only icons of the German economy, which dominate the landscape of the brand across over the years as established companies. Representative for the company Kago as well as his father and company founder Karl-Heinz Kago managing partner took Dr. Jur. Pierre Kago recognition of significant contrary. I’m very proud of this predicate and see this as a reaffirmation for the successful economies of in recent years.
In addition is very glad that our company has become synonymous with chimneys in Germany.” As a special edition in the English and Chinese languages the title in all Goethe-Instituts and German embassies around the globe will be available. As well during the upcoming soccer World Cup 2010 in South Africa and the World Expo in Shanghai copies to international guests are distributed. Thus the Kago in addition to the other company will to the global Ambassador of the German economy.