The Costs of not-Planning Marcelo Gonalves Pear tree Engineer of Production email: To produce is very important, but to produce without planning is to give one & ldquo; shot in p& rdquo;. The factors that take a company or one definitive sector are several not to plan its production. The principle, we break of the culture of the not-analysis of the situation or cause and leave directly for the action, generating continuously what we call & ldquo; it erases incndio& rdquo;. To if even though coming across with an extra demand or known demands already, instead of if planning the production more good to take care of it, immediately, the adopted position is of if to carry through a force task to be able to deliver the product in the stated period waked up with the customer, leaving stops all backwards a planning concept that if applied well, would save the teams of work overloads and discomforts with other areas of the company. Author understood the implications. On the basis of the described one above, I enumerate below what I understand as being the main ones costs generated for the not-planning of the actions.

They are: 1 & ndash; For not being planned of adjusted form, the work if becomes extensive in surplus, generating of this form unnecessary hours for its execution; 2 & ndash; For if becoming extensive, the work also becomes onerous, tiring, with low productivity and considerable idleness. The team does not feel itself motivated in carrying through it, generating loss of time and loss of time is loss of money; 3 & ndash; The cost of the calculated risk is not another factor to consider. Very short stated periods, unavailable tools of work and bad sizing of the team for the execution of the work, provoke the delay, deliver of the product or service with me the quality or even though the delivery of the product, not being able to generate of this form, discredit on the part of the customer in relation to the image of the company.

With the acirramento of the international competition, the fidelizao of customers in the market of agency of international freights is a very important subject for the companies of this sector, since its customers are each time less fidiciary offices only the one lender of services. With the growth of foreign commerce in the Rio Grande Do Sul, new industries, automotivas assembly plants, commercial importers and exporters, and other companies of similar activities appear as future customers in potential for the rendering of international logistic services, also called international load agents. We can cite enters the services given for this type of company: the management of aerial and maritime embarkments, the safe load International, customs clearance of importation or exportation and domestic transport for delivery and collection of loads. A research was carried through with the objective to identify the factors that take the customers to the fidelizao in a multinational company North American of this sector, with branch office in the city of Porto Alegre. The quality was evidenced that the fidelizao is based on the satisfaction of the customer, for which is basic. The price was in first place in the choice of the searched ones, followed for the quality in second, proving that this always is one of the most important criteria to be analyzed. Advantages in the act of contract of services with an only agent also are one of the characteristics of the customers fidiciary offices, therefore the trend of these is to consolidate its purchases with an only company. With the intention to get one better agreement of the necessities of its customers the company must be remained in continuous contact with it. Periodic research of satisfaction and a direct canal for suggestions or claims can be interesting tools for this return of information. Of this form it will be possible to evaluate with more clarity the questions to be improved or perfected for the lender of services in the search of the fidelizao of its customers.