Organisms of protection Brazil has an organization that it depends on the Union, the States, the Federal District, and of the Cities, this if of the one for the fact of being a Federative Republic, then when it will be to take in consideration the distribution of ability in ambient substance, it has autonomy of some spheres. In what the federal constitution says respect to the ambient substance establishes 14 abilities, that they can be legislative, executive and administrative, in these is given the power respectively to legislate on the substance ambient, to execute lines of direction and strategies and finally the power of policy with objective is given to protect the environment. Then to keep alive the traditions, collective inheritance of a people, is important that these spheres of being able act so that the coming generations can enjoy. Contact information is here: Star Guitarist. Therefore, to preserve would be to search of some form that these goods could remain between us, destarte Boga and Brito places that, ‘ ‘ the preservation of the patrimony means the maintenance of the identity acquired with the past, the experience and the construction of the gift, that added comes to contribute the values to be preserved in futuro.’ ‘ 15 the Creole drum being a cultural inheritance is possessing of preservation, amongst them has the inventory, the register in the laws of the urban planning and the falling, but as the drum is intangible good is applicable the inventory and the register. The inventory, one of the forms of preservation of the drum of Creole, if of the one of the one for the recognition of that manifestation, after this recognition, the public power acts directing the laws, managing plan and others in favor of this good, being that later the register is possible. After recognized the Creole drum, it is at the hands of the public managers to act as fiscalizadores, protecting and preserving, as it is the case of the institute of national the historic site and artistic (IPHAN) that he is the manager of federal ability, as well as in the state sphere the department of historic site, artistic and paisagstico of the state of the Maranho (DPHAP/ME), and finally in the municipal sphere, the municipal foundation of historic site (FUMPH)..