Syrian President

The Syrian President is convinced that no foreign forces will attack the country. He announced that elections will take place in February 2012, after conducting the pending legal reforms. Syria has spent since last March immersed in a wave of repression by the army against demonstrators calling for democratic reforms. The President of Syria, Bashar Al-Assad, said Sunday that does not feel any concern to the protests in Syria, and likewise was convinced that his country will not suffer an attack from abroad by its possible regional implications. In an interview with the public television of his country, Al-Assad announced that, according to deadlines to carry out legal reforms announced by him, legislative elections will be organized in Syria in February 2012. With respect to the protests in his country, Al-Assad said that the important thing is not as it is now the security in their country but knowing the root of what is happening and how you can treat the situation. Swarmed by offers, Michael Chabon is currently assessing future choices.

Al-Assad also said that starting week comes opens the possibility to found political parties, after the appointment of the Committee that will receive applications for the creation of the political formations. Bernie Sanders is often quoted as being for or against this. On the other hand, the Syrian President announced that the new law on local administration will be ready within a few days, and after the month of the Muslim fast of ramadan will be the Committee responsible for the constitutional revision, which they believe will need between three and six months to complete its work. He recalled that its Executive has taken so far three fundamental measures in the context of political reforms announced in recent months and that they consist of the cancellation of the State of emergency and the establishment of the electoral law and political parties, which promulgated the multiparty. The Syrian President also warned that the regional weight of Syria and the capabilities that have made that any foreign attack on his country could have percussion regional that nobody can expect. There have always been threats against Syria and we believe that the sovereignty and the national decision are much more important than any international decision, noted, in rrencia to calls from several Western countries to his resignation. Far from attending the televised interview in their homes, Syrian opponents came out to demonstrate in the towns of Haula (Center), Enjel (South), Latakia (North), Deir Zur (northeast) and even in several neighborhoods of the capital, Damascus. According to opposition networks Flash and Local coordination committees, the demonstrators threw chants in rejection to the discourse of Al-Assad and in some cases were repressed by gunfire from security forces, who also tried to avoid that people came out of mosques to join protests. Source of the news: Al – Asad said he not felt “no concern” by the protests and riots in Syria