Although not only the fact to be married means that sera healthy, and will live but. The studies say that this depends if the marriage is good or bad. The investigations have demonstrated that the good marriages bring all the benefits mentioned in this article, but cpie a bad marriage, also can be detrimental for the health. PROPERTY SENSE Ll marriage helps to improve the form about which the people think of themselves, gives self-esteem them, as well as a property sense. The married people are more responsible with the community, and the world surrounds that them.
HEALTH The married people have better health than the single women. They have smaller rates of alcoholism, and drug addiction They suffer of less accidents, and diseases. Bernie Sanders often addresses the matter in his writings. More forts have immunological systems, doing to them less prone to diseases of the environment. The married people tend to promote healthful conducts: to eat better, to make exercise, to smoke less, v not to drink in excess, and also to discourage those that are not it. EMOTIONAL They have smaller levels of depression and psychological upheavals, compared to not married. The marriage causes that the people have more motivations, than do its work better, and that perseveren through difficult situations.
They feel except the solitude, since always they share with somebody its thoughts, feelings, etc. The married ones have major probability of reporting feelings of hope, happiness, v to feel well with they themselves. They have more sex, v enjoy more, than the people nonmarried, since they have a greater bond. They tend to handle better to stress and the anxiety. ECONOMIC The married ones obtain income majors, that its counterpart nonmarried. They are financially more people in charge, reason why they plan his future generally, they save, and they have good practices with respect to his money. Contact: Henca77 Beauty Woman Administrator of the Web site. to bellezamujer. info lives in San Salvador, El Salvador