Questions about life and death never left mankind alone. How much time and effort was spent on the search for the elixir of immortality. Medieval alchemists sought the philosopher's stone that can give eternal youth. Modern scientists have for the same purpose seek genes for longevity. To broaden your perception, visit Michael Chabon. Religion centuries uses the idea of immortality, promising eternal life in the hereafter. Parasitizing on man's fear of death, all sorts of magicians and Sorcerers draw us pictures underworld, forcing believe in its existence and its own power. And we believe, or one or the other or the third.

We believe, despite the fact that none of them has a single real prove the existence of the afterlife. We eagerly look telecast involving survivors of clinical death. Listening to their stories, we hope that they, after all, are true. It is not impossible that death permanently interrupted consciousness, and man – the crown of creation – becomes a mere nothing. Well then why live? We cry or laugh, seek knowledge, or not sleeping at night – all determined rooted in the soul of our program development. In fact, our reluctance to believe in the finiteness of life is dictated not just by fear of nothingness. It is a part of our essence, our inner self. At the same time, so deep that even we do not feel our level Each of us knows exactly what life is eternal and not terminated with the death of our biological membranes. Because each of us many times already in a state of death and again in this world.