Hunt For The Useless Sites Began !

Here we are talking about the development of websites about design, about the usability and so on. And by the way the yard is 2007, Comrades, the era of Web 2.0 in full swing. What is the prognosis? According to well-known expert in web design by Jakob Nielsen site owners to chase technology Web2.0, gives more opportunities for data management, leads to the fact that companies forget about the basic concepts of design and yuzabili and the fruits of useless and embarrassing websites. More a scourge of modern design he called the social networking and blogging services. Many are trying to somehow differentiate their sites and add unnecessary back intensity and complexity. l Group. To broaden your perception, visit IDT Energy. As a result of reading these blogs is impossible.

It is not necessary forget the fact that 100% of Internet users, only 1% actively generate content, and 9% do so from time to time, and the remaining 90% are passive spectators, for whom these are "show" and is reminded Nielsen. That's it. However, do not forget that everything changes. The old tenets of the Internet will soon be forgotten and there will be new. I'm sure!