Getting the Nursery Ready

The first of September – is an important milestone not only for the first-grader. Big changes await kids and traveling for the first time in kindergarten. To a difficult period of adaptation to new conditions was soft and painless, begin to take preventive action now! Reluctance to part with his mother – one of the first problems a baby is on the verge of kindergarten. But if day after day, teach him to this thought, the tears and emotions can be be avoided. WHAT TO DO THIS? A few weeks before kindergarten leave your baby with grandma or a babysitter more often than usual. Show him that you will always come back when promised.

You can even invent a special mood, so first of all so be calm and confident that everything will be fine your baby will be much easier to adapt to kindergarten if he had already mastered useful useful household skills. What is teach in the first place? Independently wash their hands with soap and water and wipe them dry, most care for themselves after using the toilet and do not hesitate to ask for leave there with all classes and walks. Teach crumbs spread all things in places, but for this you have to set an example by the accuracy. And certainly, label all items of clothing that the child will be in the garden. The process of changing – one of the most difficult for the baby. But you are essentially lighten child's life by choosing suitable clothing. Choose what the child can easily and quickly put on and remove yourself.

If it's pants, it's better with a rubber band on your belt, shirt or jacket if – then with a minimum of buttons and zipper, zipper on his jacket if – then with a great tongue. Garden is fine clothes with big buttons and a smooth, not too tight loops for them. If the jacket has buttons that let the child try to unfasten and fasten before you buy. An important point: bought things have to like the kid. Putting on what he wants to carry the child quickly learns to deal with buckles. Do not forget about good manners. Role-playing – wonderful way to teach a child to greet, say "thank you" "please" and "sorry." Play, for example, "royal welcome" when you need to be extremely polite to properly hold utensils, not stain and use a napkin.