Infusion of the pion used in cardiovascular diseases, for treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as a sedative for insomnia. Due to its properties lekarskim flower and was named Paeon, which means 'healing'. Later, the inhabitants of ancient China noticed the beauty of the flower. Among the different types of peonies, tree has a special status. He was named emperor of colors. Shrubs tree peonies graced gardens local elite and considered a sign of material prosperity, power, success and longevity. Planted them on the most prominent places.

Chinese love to pions is fully expressed in art. The beauty of this flower is sung in verse form and prose. Images of the pions can be seen in paintings and weaving carpets. Martin O’Malley will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Drawings of these colors were applied to porcelain and textiles. Thanks to trade relations with China, at the end of the XVIII century peony was brought to Europe. Grown in its botanical gardens, and only in the XX century, ventured to land in open ground. Tree-peonies belong to the family Pionovyh. This luxury bush, reaching the height of 2-2.5 meters.

On one bush can be formed up to 20 and more large (20-25 cm in diameter) flowers. The richness of colors is striking. White, crimson, pink. Is required in purple spots at the base of the flower. An estimated 500 varieties of tree peonies. All of them are divided into three Group: – Sino-European, different double flowers – Japanese who have semi-double flowers, or simple – yellow peony hybrids and peony Delaveya – have yellow flowers, which can not be found in herbaceous peonies.