Employees are using their skills a more expensive production factor, to be ultimately the productivity of other factors can be the human resources are a factor of production, which can grow itself out of himself: all others are subject to a permanent, to be consumption. Therefore, the company has advantages, whose Mitarbeiter are qualified, creative, motivated, flexible, goal-oriented, proactive and willing to change than the competition. A good working environment is for employees and for the specialists and managers alike by importance and a the important decision criteria, go to a company or to stay there. Any decision can be but always only as good as the timeliness and quality of the underlying information. The investment in an employee survey must be therefore just as strategic as planned in the area of investment and assessment of assets and prepared.
See in addition including also Becker, Jorg: person accounts with intellectual capital, ISBN 9783837070019. requires internal transparency: corporate objectives and figures, but also processes and rules of cooperation. For executives, the obtaining of appropriate control information in the truest sense of the word is crucial: because to support their decisions there is hardly an instrument for this purpose better than a comprehensive employee survey would be suitable. The survey of the employees is to create comprehensive, questions must be asked to many core areas, i.e. to: companies, work and professional requirements, salary and fringe benefits, performance appraisal and professional advancement, management and executives, efficiency, information and communication, environment, quality of work, weighting of objectives, powers and responsibility for activities and decisions, as well as general information. CF.
Becker, Jorg: Potentialorientierte employee conversations, ISBN 9783837051803. In the wake of comprehensive surveys are often in practice Special surveys carried out by dealing only with a special theme and addressed only to a specific group of employees. Written, conducted anonymous interviews with closed and open questions are most frequently encountered in practice. Objectives of the survey include: analysis of strengths and weaknesses from a perspective of surveyed employees, assessment of personal situations of employees, improve communication, reducing communication deficits /-barriers, creating a basis for necessary actions and measures (improved acceptance), as well as improvement of leadership and job satisfaction /-motivation. CF. Jorg Becker: employee survey as intellectual seismograph; ISBN 978 3 8370 5085 1 Jorg Becker