It is in this direction-oriented "people's happiness" is very good and encouraging results. Indeed, to solve this problem a person needs to understand how it can he needed to pick up the code, and for this he must decide on what he needed to build and in what direction to go. That is why the main determining factor, we have put forward the fact that people – a social being, and hence it tends to make more rapidly and to receive for his life he needs the energy, part of which he must give his Creator. After all, it turns out that we all live in energy world, and this means that people, like all other living beings is not only a consumer of energy, but also a generator. Consuming brute energy in the form of food and water, a person develops more complex forms energy, mainly related to his emotional state, created a system of human thinking. That is why a man as a supreme being on the planet Earth was created a social being, capable of creating a whole state and empire, allowing him at the expense of such complex social systems have far more opportunities for expression of both negative and positive emotions. But in all likelihood, the program person has a purpose, allowing the maximum extent possible to open up the consciousness of man – his control of the energy structure, which is key for this program. It is picking up all sorts of social clues people can achieve the status that will facilitate obtaining the body conditions, making it possible to start the mechanism of cell regeneration, opening the way to the constant rejuvenation of man.