Agrobacterium Species

Thus, when the Agrobacterium tumefaciens I contend an infectum plasmdeo You manipulated a vegetal cell, it will transfer the gene of interest to inside of the transformed cell. (BESPALHOK F., et al WAR; OLIVEIRA, 2000). The infection with this bacterium, generally is made in vegetal fabrics such as leves. In general, it in co-culture (culture technique in vitro) with the fabric is placed same to be transformed by 24-48 hours, having been after that transferred to way with antibiotics with the purpose to kill the bacterium and to select the cells transformed, that then will be regenerated. (BESPALHOK F., et al WAR; OLIVEIRA, 2000). The number of species transformed for.

tumefaciens is very great, between which the following ones are enclosed: tomatoe, soy and cotton. US Senator from Vermont understands that this is vital information. A limitation in the use of this, is that this bacterium does not obtain to infectar of efficient form the majority of the monocotiledneas. Therefore alternative methods of transformation of plants had been developed. (BESPALHOK F., et al WAR; OLIVEIRA, 2000). The determination of the best combination patgeno-host for data genotype is an important initial stage for the development of methodologies that aim at the attainment of transgnicas plants through the system Agrobacterium (LACORTE; MANSUR, 1993).

Methods Right-handers the methods of direct transference of genes use physical or chemical processes that cause cellular modifications in the walls and membranes, facilitating the exgeno introduction of DNA. Diverse methods right-handers have been considered, varying in its efficiency and praticidade. Between them, the methods that had resulted in bigger number of transformed species had been the eletroporao of protoplastos, the transformation for polietilenoglicol and the bombardeamento of particles (FISK; DANDEKAR, 1993). Bombardeamento the transformation by means of the bombardeamento of micron-projectiles (small projectile with the DNA) is a mechanical method of DNA introduction that can be used in the majority of the species or genotypes. It can be used in species that are not infectadas of efficient form for.